The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Turned Ten

Silas turned ten while we were in Colorado on vacation at the beginning of August.  We had planned to spend a big part of the day celebrating his birthday at The North Pole-Home of Santa's Workshop.  That morning the kids got up and got ready to go.  I made them pose for a cousins picture before we headed to the amusement park.
Below, our North Pole crew - left to right, Stacee, Will, Lindsee, Sarah, Will, Phoebe, Patti, Jim, EP, and Eric.
We had a lot of fun riding rides for part of the morning and most of the afternoon that day.  We ate a picnic lunch in the amusement park.  The kids had a little fun feeding a couple of chubby little chipmunks that kept running around our picnic tables.
Eric rode only one ride that day, his favorite, with the birthday boy... the Ferris Wheel!
Jim was a good sport, riding some of the fast rides with Silas... Below, on the little roller coaster.
We all took turns throughout the day... everyone getting a chance to ride something with the birthday boy.
The cousins had a fantastic time together laughing and riding.
When we left the amusement park we headed to the hotel in Colorado Springs where Popee and Nanee were staying.  There the kids and Lindsee did some swimming, Silas opened some birthday cards, and we all ate a pizza dinner together from Silas's choice, Domino's Pizza.
Below, at dinner, Eric, Stacee, Sarah, EP, Jim, Popee, Nanee, Patti, Lindsee, Will, Silas, and Phoebe.
Back out at the cabin later that night we all enjoyed fruit pizza dessert, candles being blown out, singing Happy Birthday, and Silas opening a few gifts that we had brought out to Colorado with us for him to open there.
Legos, books, water guns, and clothes from Daddy and Mommy....
Legos and gum from Sarah.....
The game Throw Throw Burrito and a homemade stuffed animal, Platypus from Phoebe....
Back at home later that week he discovered some Cheetos Mac and Cheese cups from Popee and Nanee.
A gift came in the mail from Grandma Sharon.... a super cool Lego car!  Thank you, Grandma for such a fun gift.
Uncle EP, Aunt Lindsee, and Will gave him the NERF Super Soaker Roboblaster that he had really been wanting.  So exciting!!!!  The cousins all had to try it out, along with all his new water guns, that evening.  Thank you, family, for this fun for all gift.
A few days after our return from Colorado we went to Popee and Nanee's house.  They had a few gifts for Silas too.  Some "Bad Guys" books that he had been wanting, some Bath and Body lotion and shower gel, and a new Emporia State hoodie.  Thank you for the thoughtful gifts Pop and Nan!
I am glad you had a fun and exciting 10th birthday celebration.  You have had a good first 10 years of your life.  You like a lot of the same things I do, namely sports, fishing, Jesus, and now fantasy football.  I am happy to have been given the opportunity to coach you and to teach you these things.  In time, I hope you start to take an interest in learning how to do things around the house, specifically with fixing and building stuff.  I didn't have a dad there to teach me those things (I did have a grandpa though) so I want to be there to teach you these important skills that will help you be a successful husband and daddy someday.  You have also inherited many of my traits both good and not so good.  I love your competitiveness and intelligence.  We need to work on not getting down on yourself when you don't do as well as you hoped, specifically in sports (this not so good trait of mine kept me from being the best player I could be).  So many things I get to teach you and help you with for the next 8 years or so before you head off to play college sports somewhere.  You have a bright future ahead of you.  Stay close to your family and to Jesus.  Love you son.

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