The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

February Happenings

 Sarah had some amazing fans at a lot of her basketball games this season. Below, at a home game with Ana, Phoebe, and Popee.
One of Phoebe's punishments for wrecking the Go-Kart, for the second time...breaking it, injuring herself and her sister, was to sort and organize a 230 piece drill bit set that had gotten spilled all over the ground and was not in any sort of order.  She was super thankful that Popee was here to help her out.
Silas had his hand surgery On January 27th.  After about a week, we noticed it was super smelly, red, very painful, and very oozey.  After a trip to the doctor to check on it, he was put on a round of antibiotics for an infection in the incision on his left middle finger.
Silas and his friend, Owen, participated in the Block Kids building contest on Saturday, February 11th.  They had a good time together.  Each child participating were given the same supplies and had to create/build something that may be seen on a construction site. They were also given a time limit.  Once done, each build was judged by a builder in our community.  The participants had to present their creation to the judge and answer questions about the creation.  Silas had an idea going into the contest, but changed his idea at the last second and went in a totally different direction when he heard "You Must Build Something That Can Be Found On A Construction Site" as one of the rules.  So, you may be wondering WHAT DID SILAS BUILD??????
Well, our dear son built a Port-A-Potty, (completely color appropriate - blue and white) a toilet for the inside of it, and a little red and yellow building next to it, that he said workers could go in to, to watch games, specifically Chiefs football games.
AND, then he won 3rd PLACE for his creation/build! He is amazing! What an idea! It was brilliant.  Every construction site has one, and if for some reason they don't it is a bad situation.  His brain worked quickly and he executed the build and presentation to the judge well.  Good job, Buddy! Below, all of the winners that morning with their prizes - Lego sets!  There were 3 winners, first, second, and third place in each grade category (1st and 2nd grades combined, 3rd and 4th grades combined, 5th and 6th grades combined).  
One of the greatest things about a few of the winners were that three of them were Hutton employee's sons.  Above, the three sons.  Below, the sons and their BUILDER DADS. Congratulations boys and dads!
Later that afternoon after the Block Contest we drove to Emporia to watch the ESU vs. Newman women's and men's basketball games.  We had a fun time cheering for the teams with Dad, Lindsee, EP, and Will.  You'll notice in the pictures below, that Will and I were posing for, that we had a little photo-bomber.  What a jokester.
The Kansas City Chiefs played the Philadelphia Eagles in the Super Bowl on Sunday, February 12th.  Our friends, the Hutsells, invited us over to watch the big game with them. We made our square game and filled it out with them when we got to their house.  We added some extra winning times throughout the game to create more fun and opportunities for more winners. Eric drew the grid and Sarah and Phoebe decorated it.
We got a good laugh out of this commercial for the halftime show, below.  It really looked like she was dressed up as a female version of the Grinch.
The Chiefs WIN was the outcome we had all been hoping for.  What a game!  Thanks Hutsells for having us over.  Glad we could share good food, cheering, and lots of laughs together.
We spent a little time shopping one day with Popee, Lindsee, and Will.  Costco is always fun with these three pictured below.... They are always looking for samples.... No matter what the sample is! Right, Sarah?!?
One of Mom's dearest friends, Gayla, came to visit Lindsee, Dad, and I one day a couple weeks ago.  She had made a quilt for Lindsee and I.  The quilts had Mom's name embroidered on them, Mom's picture, and a fun saying that really makes us think of Mom... "Do good.  Be kind.  Eat Pizza."  This was so sweet and thoughtful of her to make these for us.  It sure has been hard without Mom here with us, even knowing we shared so many good times with her and how fortunate we were to have such a loving mom, and that we didn't want her to suffer any more... It's just hard without her.  We miss her so much.  My heart is so sad.  Thank you, Gayla, for the simple reminder of things that were important to my Mom and for loving Lindsee and I, and making these sweet quilts for us.
February was the last month of Sarah's sophomore basketball season.  She is pictured, fourth from the left side, with her Varsity teammates.
The kids and I enjoyed a yummy treat one Saturday from Starbucks, thanks to a friend from school who gave us a gift card to use.  We did this together one morning when we all needed a pick me up and a smile.
The kids and I made another trip to Emporia to watch the ESU vs, Washburn basketball women's and men's game.  It was their last regular season home game.  Both of the ESU teams won.  The kids and I tried to get a good group selfie.... Obviously, we didn't get a good one.  We're pretty terrible at this without Eric.  But we did get a good laugh while we tried this at halftime.  Then we sent the group selfies to him to show our group selfie FAILS, and to tell him we missed him and needed him there with us for this obvious reason.  My favorite terrible group selfie is the one where it only has Silas's eyes and his forehead.
Dad's friend Ron joined us for the ESU game too.  They have been friends since college.
Our chickens have started laying eggs daily again.  We really like the 3-egg days! Look at those beauties! Go ladies, go!
We have also come to the realization that one of our chicks, that we got back in September, is a rooster. (insert sad face here)  We are currently looking for a new home for him.  Comet is friendly, a little too friendly with his coopmates, (wink-wink).  He is a beautiful Black Australorp. But, he's a free-loader, in a coop that is supposed to be ladies only, not coed.  We are hoping he will go to a new home that will like him and his funny little cock-a-doodle-doo as much as we do.
Below, Phoebe and I with two of our hens, Dolly and Kevin.
Kevin is one of my favorites.  She is so friendly and calm.  As a chick, and even now, we can get her to perch/roost on our arm.

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