The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Thanksgiving 2024

** Guest Blogger **
Eric Hendrickson

Since the girls had basketball practice on Wednesday morning and Saturday morning, we had a short trip to Fort Worth for Thanksgiving this year.
My mom wasn't feeling well so myself, Uncle Tom, and Stacee filled in to help prepare the meal.  I now know how much work and thinking is required for putting together the entire Thanksgiving meal.
Wish mom could have been in the pictures but she wan't feeling well.  Uncle Tom had already left when we took the picture below.
My brothers and I watched football all day, which wasn't overly fun for the kids.  They spent a good portion of the day at the park and watching some Christmas movies.
Stacee and Sarah went Black Friday shopping early Friday morning. There was an "ELF" snowglobe being given away at 5 am to all entering JCPenny at that time that Sarah really wanted to get. They were both able to get one and managed to find a few more good deals there.
Andrea visited Friday morning before we headed back home. We were so glad that we could see her too.
We stopped at Cabelas/Bass Pro Shop on our way out of town for a few Black Friday deals.

And Buc-ees.  What a zoo that was...the parking lot and the store.
We like to stop in Lucien, Oklahoma on the way back from Fort Worth for Stacee's mom's side of the family get together. Several of Gloria's cousins and their kids were there.
Stacee found a great mug for me to give to Will. It has a saying from the Christmas movie "Elf" that Will and I always say to each other... No normal "good-byes" for us.... Instead, "Bye Buddy. Hope you find your Dad." Our families love watching that movie every year.

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