The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Preschool Graduation

Sarah's preschool had a graduation ceremony last week, complete with caps, gowns, and a certificate of graduation!  Popee and Nanee came to see the big event.  Sarah was a little sad about not seeing her teachers anymore... Here is a picture of Sarah and her teacher, Ms. Lila before the ceremony started.
All of the little graduates paraded in to "Pomp and Circumstance" and headed straight up to the front to perform for their captive audience.... They played "Do Lord" on the hand bells, and then sang "Jesus Loves Me", "The Teachers at Asbury", and recited a graduation poem.

Sarah is standing in the second row, in the middle.
Here she is getting her certificate from Ms. Lila, and then all smiles when she got to come and sit out in the audience with all of us.
Afterwards their was a reception.  Sarah's teachers both came over to talk to her and to tell her that they would miss her too.  Thanks Ms. Lila and Ms. Sheryl for a good preschool year!

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