The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Monday, July 9, 2012

Colorado Day One

About a week ago we headed out to Colorado.  We had plans to go to Denver then on to the Hastings Family cabin, but the cabin was in a pre-evacuation area due to the Waldo Canyon Fire, so we decided to change our plans just a little not knowing for sure what the fire would do... even if there was no evacuation order given for the cabin area I was not real excited, and a little nervous, about the smoke, the chance of  a weather and wind change bringing the fire closer, and the displaced animals (bears, elk, mountain lions) that being at the cabin with a fire so close could bring.  So, my dad called us two days before we left and said, "How about getting a condo at Breckenridge for a few days instead of going to the cabin...?"  Bingo!  So, that is what we did... Denver with family and friends, then on to Breckenridge with family.  We had a super-great time seeing and doing new things.

Here is day one.
We got to our good friend's Rex and Angie's house late Friday night.  The next morning after getting up and letting the little girls play together for awhile, we planned out the day.  Then we were off.  Rex and Eric headed to Rex's job site at the Denver airport.  Rex showed Eric all around.  Eric really enjoyed it and his time with one of his best friends.  In the meantime, all of the little girls (five of them to be exact), Angie and I, along with my parents, sister and EP headed out to lunch and then on to the Butterfly Pavilion.  We had fun too.  The little girls have all been together several times before and always get along great and have a good time together.  
Four of the little friends... Avery, Lexi, Phoebe, and Sarah.  Not pictured, Layla.
At the Butterfly Pavilion we all had a chance to hold the Tarantula.  Angie, Lindsee, Dad, and I did it.  There were many other bugs and critters to look at.  Sarah and Lexi liked looking at all of the different kinds of Tarantulas.
When we got to go in the actual Butterfly Garden Pavilion area, Sarah was fascinated!  She is very into Butterflies right now.  Technically people are not supposed to try to "catch" the Butterflies in this area... but, if one lands on you then it is okay to hold it and look at it until it flies off.  Sarah had a few "land" on her, and was excited each time.  She walked around with her hand and arm held out, just hoping for the pretty Butterflies to "land" on her.
Here we are being silly... There was a room with all mirrors to go through when exiting the Butterfly Garden Pavilion so that you could check to make sure no Butterflies where exiting with you or on you.  Lastly, there was a fun area to learn about Butterflies and other bugs and to play.
We ended the evening with a yummy cook-out for dinner and fun at Rex and Angie's house.  Sarah and Lexi liked driving the small-FAST jeep around and Phoebe liked the slower 4-wheeler.

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