The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Saturday, July 21, 2012

His Grandpa's Train

Last weekend Eric had the opportunity to drive his Grandpa' train in the Olpe Downhome Days parade.  This event is held, in the heat of the summer, every July in Olpe, Kansas.  A little event that draws a lot of hometown people together.  They have a children's fishing derby, games for children and adults, food, a parade, music and a street dance.
Eric's Grandpa, George Bowers, made this train.  It has been driven in many parades and many children and adults have enjoyed riding in it.  George and Dorothy Bowers grandchildren and now great-grandchildren love it when the train comes out of the barn whether it is for a parade or a ride around the Bowers land in Olpe.
Taking a test ride in the train cars around the backyard before the parade started... three of George and Dorothy's great-grandchildren, Sarah, Phoebe, and Harlee,  and some of our friends, Kyla Kuhlmann, Jesse Kuhlmann, and Josh Kuhlmann
Getting ready to drive the train over to the parade starting point... Carla, Eric's Aunt, and his Grandma Dorothy rode too!
In the caboose and ready for the parade!  Choo-Choo!

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