Sarah started first grade last Tuesday. She picked out a new Disney princess lunch box and backpack a couple weeks ago and, Nanee took her shopping and helped her get all of the things on her school supply list. I think she was ready. Just a little nervous... The closer it got the more she asked us about it... Then started she saying things like, "I don't want to go to school" and "Do I have to go to school?".
When Tuesday arrived she got up, got dressed, helped pack her lunch, and was ready to go.
She picked to wear a new outfit that I got her, a necklace, and her new shoes from Popee and Nanee. She also wanted her hair in two braids.
Sitting at her desk on the first morning...
Me: How was your first week of first grade?
Sarah: "Pretty good."
Me: What are some of the things that you have liked the best? Any things that you did not like?
Sarah: Likes- "Chocolate milk with hot lunch one day, two recesses, my teacher, having my own desk, decorating my popsicle lunch stick (this is used for lunch count each morning), playing with Rian and Brody at recess (Rian and Brody are two of her friends from last year. They are not in her class this year, but have recess at the same time)." Dislikes- "haven't seen Maria yet. I miss her. Listening to all the rules in all the classrooms again and again."
Me: Do you have friends from last year in your class this year?
Sarah: "Yes. Myla, and Eric, and Ashlynn."
Me: What do you think of eating your lunch at school?
Sarah: "I like it."
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