The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Birthday Questions

 ~ Phoebe Hendrickson ~

What kind of treats did you take to school to share with your friends for your birthday?
Phoebe: "powdered doughnuts and juice"

Where did you get the yellow Happy Birthday crown?
Phoebe: "A teacher made it for me. The kids sang happy birthday."

Where did we all go to eat and play on your birthday?
Phoebe: "Chik-fil-A"

What are some of the gifts that you got for your birthday?
Phoebe: "Doc McStuffins gifts, and a headband that we can make, and a bracelet that we can make. An Ariel jacket. Clothes."

Did Silas and Sarah give you gifts?  What were they?
Phoebe: "Yeah.  Doc McStuffins toys."
Before we went out to eat on your birthday, we went to the Zoo,  Because we went on your birthday Daddy let you pick out something special from the gift shop.  What did you pick?
Phoebe: "A Tiger. He roars and we can put our hand in it and squeeze and it roars again. He's a puppet.  He's soft.  He has yellow eyes and he has stripes on his head and stripes on his feet."
What special dessert did we all eat on your birthday?
Phoebe: "Ice cream with chocolate and only one cherry and a candle for me to blow out."
You and your doll look super cute in these matching outfits you got for your birthday!  Who gave them to you?
Phoebe: "Aunt Judy.  Me: "Nope." Phoebe: "Ummm, Grandma Sharon!"
What is it like to be 5 years old?
Phoebe: "I can be a kid.  This is a hard one. I can karate chop better on Daddy.  I can fight better."

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