The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Cowtown Field Trip

Sarah's class got to go on a field trip a couple weeks ago to Cowtown.  Cowtown is a living history museum where you get to experience life as it was in the 1870's.  You are surrounded by the sights, sounds, and activities that were common to a Midwestern cattle town.  

To learn more or to plan your visit to Cowtown, click on the (title) link below...

 ~ Sarah Hendrickson ~

This is my class.
We got to take turns riding on the horse carriage.  It was fun.
We got to turn butter.  It splashed some though.
Still turning butter.
The boys were dancing.  I do not know why though.
This is the living room.  The kids were not allowed in it back then.  Only if they were being quiet.  And not interrupting.  If someone told a story that had happened before you couldn't talk and say that's not right. (No interrupting.)
They taught us how ladies and gentlemen walked down the street.  Ladies on the inside.  Gentlemen on the outside.  They did that because they thought ladies were too fragile.  Then we practiced walking down the street.
This is when we got to play catch with sticks and a hoop.  We each had two sticks and when you went to throw it to someone you hold them like an X, then you just whoosh it apart.  When you whooshed it apart, the hoop flew to the other person and then the other person tried to catch it on their sticks.
Still playing catch. We had a good time.
I really liked the this field trip.

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