The second grade classes at Sarah's school had their field day about a week ago. It was a cloudy afternoon, but the rain held off and they were able to get all of the events in except the tug-of-war before a Tornado Watch was issued for the county we live in, and all the students were quickly ushered off the field and back into the school for safety reasons.
Each student selected 5 events that they wanted to participate in that day. The events were 35 meter dash, 50 meter dash, egg race, sack race, tire roll, hula-hoop contest, limbo, bean-bag throw, leap frog, and soccer kick. Everyone watched each event and cheered on the participants. Popee, Nanee, Silas, Phoebe, Eric and I were all able to go and watch Sarah compete. She did very well. She is our SUPER COMPETITIVE ATHLETIC PRINCESS! (She enjoys winning just as much as Eric and I! It is a lot of fun for he and I to watch her compete and win.)
~ Sarah Hendrickson ~
My events I picked were egg race, bean bag toss. tire roll. leap frog. and hula hooping.
The egg race was my first event. It was close between me and one of my friends. I got second place.
My next event was hula hooping. I am a very good hula hooper. Everybody started with one hula hoop. After a while the people that were left had to get two hula hoops and see who could hula hoop the longest with two.
Two hula hoops! I won!
Next up was bean bag toss. I did not do very well at it. I only got one bag into the circle.
Silas kept wanting to sit by me. My friends were adoring Silas. (picture above)
My next event was the tire roll. I got going pretty fast with my tire. It was really easy. I got first place.
The last event I was in was leap frog. Me and my partner did not do very well. We had to race against boys and girls.
Done with my last event!
I had a good field day. I got two first place ribbons, and one second place ribbon. And, I got one ribbon that was a participation ribbon for field day.
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