The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Colorado Day 7 and Back to Kansas

Tuesday, August 4th
This morning we loaded into two vehicles and went to see and explore the Union Park, Colorado area.  This was only a few miles from where we were staying, but again, a slower drive due to rough roads and water on the roads from a lot of rain the night before.  This area is where Dad, Eric, and I had found a beautiful white Quartz field the last time we were here.  I was excited to see if we could get to this spot again and look for some great rocks.  Due to water being over the road and some huge ruts we did not get to drive back into the area we had gone into in years past.  It was still a nice morning drive though.
We first stopped at this LARGE Beaver pond and hut.  It may have been the biggest hut we saw this summer.
Parked in Union Park and pictured below, left to right, Mike, and Carol, Silas, Stacee, Phoebe, Sarah, Eric, Ernie, Gloria, and Paul.
Back at the cabins we ate lunch and Eric and I loaded the van for our long drive home... We figured it would be about 12-13 hours to our house from Tin Cup.  Good thing I married a guy who doesn't mind driving and will drive for long periods of time.  (On the drive out he drove the whole way...and we only stopped once for gas and dinner.  He is my driving hero.)
We all had a fantastic time in Taylor Park and Tin Cup!  Thanks Ernie and Judy, and Mom and Dad.
Below are a few pictures of the drive back up and over Cottonwood Pass....
We stopped for a short driving break while it was still light near Canon City, Colorado, at the Royal Gorge Bridge.  The Royal Gorge is one of the deepest gorges in Colorado.  It is approximately 10 miles long with the Arkansas River running through it, and Granite walls towering over 1,000 feet!  The Royal Gorge Bridge and park stood unscathed in the midst of its surroundings until Tuesday, June 11, 2013 when a wildfire raged into and through the Park.  One of Colorado's premier attractions since 1929 was devastated by this fire.  Just about everything in the Park, except the Bridge was destroyed.  Groundbreaking and the beginnings of the new Park area took place on January 31st, 2014.  
The new Royal Gorge visitor's center is beautiful!

We did not pay to cross the bridge, just walked around, explored the Park some, looked in the new visitor's center, and used the new restrooms before loading back into the van and heading for Kansas.
Below, looking down into the Gorge at the Arkansas River at the bottom.
We had a great trip to Colorado this summer.  One of the most amazing things to Eric and I was all of the wildlife we saw on this trip.  More wildlife than we have ever seen in Colorado before!  It was good to be with family and to get to be in this beautiful state.  See you again next summer, Colorado!

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