The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Three Year Old Pictures and Interview

Our little boy turned 3!  I interviewed him to find out what he likes, what makes him happy, and about his 3 year old "Big Boy" life...
What is your favorite drink?
What is your favorite snack?
"Fruit Chews, Cupcakes"
What is your favorite movie or show to watch?
"Nemo, Netflix, Letter Factory, Cars and Planes one"
What is your favorite song?
"Hallelujah everybody wants to be a cat..." (song from Disney's Aristocats)
What is your favorite color?
"Blue and green"
What is your favorite animal?
"Elephants.  They have trunks and squirt out water.  They're at the zoo."
What do you like to do with Phoebe?
"Play with food stuff.  cars."
What do you like to do with Sarah?
"Play with her".
What makes you happy?
"Cupcakes. Popsicles. I don't like eggs."
What makes you scared?
"Monsters.  They eat us.  Red ones poke us.  And there is pokeys on their back.  Daddy scares monsters away.  Doors slamming my feet and my toes."
What is your favorite book?
"The animal one I have.  A caterpillar one.  I have a lightening McQueen book.  It's pretty fancy or cute."
What jobs do you help with at our house?
"Paint with Daddy when I get grown-up like Daddy does.  When I be a grown-up like Daddy I can play with those softballs (pointing at a pile of Daddy's GOLF balls).  I help you with the laundry.  We wash the clothes."
What do you like to do with Daddy?
"He reads a lot of books.  Some cars.  We tackle."
When will you be a big boy?
"In 2nd grade.  And it has a lot of boys in there.  And I talk about snacks and the teacher is getting them.  And there will be two girls at school.

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