The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Their First Day Of School

The girls both started school this week.  Sarah is in 3rd grade this year and Phoebe is in all-day Kindergarten.  Prior to the first day of school, (even right up to the night before the first day) whenever I tried to talk to Phoebe about Kindergarten, she got somewhat nervous and told me she was not going or that she was just going to stay home with me.  Almost as if she didn't think about it and I didn't talk about it maybe she really wouldn't have to go... But here we are.  She is going and she is doing great so far adjusting to being at school all day, eating lunch there, learning, and making new friends.
 I offered to get the girls a couple new outfits for school, like I do each year before school starts.  Sarah picked out a couple of skirts and a few new shirts.  Phoebe picked out a couple new shirts but that was all she wanted.  I offered a few more times to take her so she would have a whole new outfit to wear on the first day of school, but she kept telling me, "No, I don't need any."  For the first day, Sarah picked to wear one of her new skirt and shirt outfits.  Phoebe picked a cute jean skirt and ruffly red shirt.  Both girls also picked out one of their necklaces to wear too.
They were both a little nervous to start on the first day.  Sarah told me that her stomach hurt a little and she had butterflies.  There were no tears or clinging to our legs or hands when we walked them to their rooms and got them settled in the first morning. There was also no tears from me as I walked away from my cute girls, entrusting their little minds and lives to these educators.  I held myself together quite nicely.  Ugh.  But, every morning when I leave them both there until I pick them back up in the afternoon, I feel like my heart is literally walking around outside my body.  My prayer for them this year is that they will grow and learn, be lights to those around them, be treated kindly and in turn show kindness to others, and that God will keep them safe at school and protect them when they are away from Eric and I.
Both girls have friends from last year in their classes this year.  Phoebe found her name and sat at a table across from one of her friends that she played with at recess a lot last year.  Sarah got to pick her place to sit in her classroom.  She sat at a table with three girls that she knows and is already friends with and one boy who is new to their school this year.
We love you Sarah, Phoebe, and Silas!  You are all three beautiful, kind, funny, loving children.  We are so thankful for all three of you.  We will always be your biggest supporters and fans.  Now let's all go have a great year!  Go TEAM Hendrickson!

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