The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Saturday, June 25, 2016

We Love You Daddy

I was reminded several times throughout the day on Father's Day of qualities that I love in my husband and things I adore about him.  He is a GOOD Son, Friend, Husband, and Father.  I am so glad he is mine and I am his.
Our kids each made him and card and gave him a little gift on Father's Day/
Silas's card said, "Happy Father's Day! Thank you for Daddy and all the things you do. Thank you Daddy for your birthday.  Thank you for Father's Day.  I love you Daddy! From Silas".
Phoebe's card said, " dady your the best dady in the world happy Fathers day.  Love Phoebe".
Sarah's card said, "Happy Father's Day! Love Sarah To daddy I Love You. Best Daddy in the whole wide world.  You hug me Snuggle me Love me.  Your Definitely the best daddy".
We ate a Father's Day dinner while we watched the final NBA game together and then had some Happy Father's Day red velvet cake...because what is a celebration, or any day, without cake!
Happy 10th Father's Day, Eric!  We love YOU so much!

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