The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Friday, December 23, 2016

A Little Snow And A Little Sledding

We had some bitterly cold weather last weekend and a little bit of snow... about 2 inches of snow... Just enough to bring lots of smiles to our kids' faces and the itch to go out and play in it.  So, Sunday afternoon we got all layered up and headed outside to play.  

Our kids may be getting bigger every year, and Eric and I may be getting older, but this stud of mine has still got it.  He is like a work horse pulling the kids on their saucer sleds up and down the street.
We have a small hill at the end of our street and it is a convenient place to walk to on a snowy day.  Our kids like it and it is small enough that they can walk back up the hill dragging their sleds by themselves many times before getting too tired.
Eric likes to "go first" down the hill to "make a path".  He is my big little kid.
I love their sledding happy faces!
After about 30 minutes we called it quits and walked, and rode, home to get warm.
We are ready for more snow so that we can sled, make a snowman, and have a snowball fight.  Bring it on winter!

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