The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Friday, March 17, 2017

Phoebe's January And February Schoolwork

Phoebe continues to do very well in the high level math group.  She likes math, and working out the math problems on her homework.  She does well on her math tests that she takes at school.
She has begun to learn about money and time over the last couple months.
Phoebe likes to go roller skating with our family and some friends once a month in the evenings at her school's fundraiser at the local roller skating rink.  She is improving and can skate a little faster this year than last year.  She still stays close to the outside wall for support while skating around the rink.  Pictured with Phoebe below, left to right, Jocelyn, Brilee, and Phoebe.
Phoebe got to move to the high level reading group after Christmas break.  She has a little more homework each week and a spelling test each week now.  She does not seem to mind doing homework with me or Daddy in the evenings.  She likes to read and has done well on her spelling tests so far.
There is even a bonus word each week on her spelling tests.... (note, how neatly she writes on her spelling tests!!!)
It was the end of the 2nd nine weeks and we had parent teacher conferences in February.  Phoebe's teacher gave us a good report on Phoebe!  We didn't expect anything different.  She is an intelligent girl.  She gets along with her classmates and is a good student.
How did you make the big snowflake pictured below?
Phoebe:  We got 5 pieces of white paper.  My teacher cut the paper.  Then I folded it and glued it together.  Then my teacher stapled it all together to make a snowflake.
What are some of your favorite books you have read lately?
Phoebe:  Brave Queen Esther, Hedgie's Surprise, Diary of a Worm, and Henry and Mudge books
Phoebe got two more Mighty Miler awards for completing more miles at school.
Who are some of the kids you like to play with at recess time?
Phoebe:  Hayley, Abby, Rayna, Alessandra, Lydia, and Taityn
Phoebe's class got to go to the 4th grade schoolwide Wax Museum presentations.  Phoebe got to walk around at the Wax Museum with her good friend Haylee.  Below you can see them listening to Sarah's "Buster Keaton" presentation at the Wax Museum.
Did you and your class do anything special for the 100th day of school?
Phoebe:  We could dress up like an old person if we wanted to.  I dressed up like an old Granny.  We wrote 100 words.
What does "I Am A Bucket Filler" mean?
Phoebe:  It means you are nice to people.  And, you are kind to people.
Tell me about your Valentine Box and your school Valentine's party.
Phoebe:  My box was a Bumble Bee.  Me and Mommy made it.  People at school liked it.  At our party we got a lot of good food.  And we passed out Valentine cards, and looked at them.
Phoebe's teacher gave us this note about her math, reading, homework, attendance, and classroom behavior.  GREAT JOB, Phoebe!

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