The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Sarah Basketball Games 5 - 8 (Second Half)

 ~ Eric Hendrickson ~ 

Game 5 - February 18 - 11:30
We played game 5 with our full team.  I think this is the first time since Game 1 that we had our entire team for a game.
Coach Morgan asked me to take the lead coach position this game.
Like our last game, we started out sluggish and flat but we fundamentally played pretty well.
We won the game 27 - 17.  Sarah had 2 points.

Game 6 - February 25th - 11:30
Finally, our rematch against the undefeated team of Giants.
We started out with a lot of intensity and it lasted the entire game  Sarah was a beast getting rebounds and going after the ball on defense this game.
Sarah is probably the quickest girl on the court with a ball in her hand.  They may be Giants, but we are Cheetahs.  No team is as fast as us.
The referees seemed to call every little foul and infraction.  If we fouled out after 5 fouls, we would have had a majority of our girls sitting on the bench.
We were up by 1 point going into the final period.  The other team had not sat their best player the entire game (they have to sit each player for at least 1 period - Upward Sports rules).  I challenged this and the girl had to sit the last period.
We ended up winning by 6, 21-15, with Sarah scoring the final basket for us!  A nice "Swish" as she called it.  Nothing but net! Sarah had 6 points.  It was a very hard fought, emotional game for me.  Oh, and the girls too.  We faced the Giants and won.  Great job Jazz!  We play two more games this season with our last one being against this same team.  Whomever wins that game will be the league champion.  I am pumped.

Game 7 - March 4th - 11:30
Game 7 was against Sarah's friend, Hannah's team.  Hannah's team has improved a lot since we last played them.
Sarah shot some free throws.  The girls are given the choice to shoot from the actual free throw line or a line about 5' feet closer.  She chose the actual free throw line.  I like that.
Aunt Wyonna came to watch the game as did Sarah's school teacher.  The girls won! (Stacee and I do not remember the score of this game.  Sarah had 6 points.  Next week is the final game for the league championship!

Game 8 - March 11th - 11:30
Our final game of the year was a rematch against the Giant team.
Coach Morgan allowed me to head up coaching today.  Below we are praying before the game.
Similar to the first time we played this team on Feb. 4th, we were without Georgia who is one of our best players.  We started off the game strong but soon fell behind by 10 points.
Above, Sarah was trying to set a screen for Chavela.
Above, Sarah on the ground, going after a lose ball.
Look at the "Giants" compared to our girls.
There were some heated moments in this game, specifically with the other coach.  I was getting quite frustrated with foul calling as every call seemed to be against us.  I appreciated that one of the refs apologized to me the next day at the awards ceremony.
It was a hard fought game but we ended up losing by 6 points, 30 - 24.  Sarah only had 2 points but played good defense, went after loose balls, and rebounded well.  Although it was a tough loss, the girls played well and had a great season together.

Awards Ceremony - Sunday, March 12th
We had award night for Upward where each team is called up front and each person is awarded a gift.  This year's gift was an Upward bag.
Our team, left to right, Coach Eric, Alexus, Chavela, Morgan, Cari, Sarah, Georgia, Savannah, Angelica, and Coach Morgan.

Our team, from left to right, front row: Cari, Alexus, Angelica, Chavela, Georgia
from left to right. back row: Coach Eric, Sarah, Savannah, Morgan, and Coach Morgan
Great year Sarah!  Although one of the youngest girls in your division, you were one of the best!

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