We liked having Lindsee and EP's chickens at our house. They weren't hard to take care of, maybe a little smelly at times, but we loved the fresh eggs they gave us. We learned about where we would permanently place a coop and run on our land and who most enjoys caring for and helping out with chicken chores.
EP and Lindsee bought a new house. We are excited for them and to have them living closer to us. The cousins will get to make so many memories together now, and having family close by makes me so happy. We've been helping them some to clean the new house and unload boxes. When we helped pull old carpet one day, we discovered some great hardwood floors hiding underneath.
The cousins have already been having lots of fun together playing, watching movies, eating summertime snacks, and there has been lots of laughter.
Phoebe's softball team continued to do very well this season. They ended up only losing two games the entire season, and taking third place in the end of season league tournament.
Phoebe also had the opportunity to play on a summer MAYB tournament basketball team. This has been a fantastic time of growth and learning for her.
We helped EP, Lindsee, and Will on their move-in day. It was a super hot Kansas evening. After we were all done we headed to one of our favorite Mexican restaurants for dinner.
Sarah played in six summer league basketball games with the high school varsity team.
We enjoyed some Freezing Moo rolled ice cream Father's Day weekend after one of Phoebe's basketball games. It was a little expensive but so good! Not something we would go to often because of the price, but maybe a special occasion place to go back to.
We celebrated Father's Day at our house this year with three good dads and some good dessert.
Sarah attended the Emporia State Univerity Team Basketball Camp with eight other girls and one coach. It was an overnight camp and the girls all got to stay in a hotel (3 to a room) together. I think that she had fun. They played several basketball games over the course of two days.
Sarah and Phoebe, along with some friends, attended the Wichita State Women's Basketball Elite Camp. They worked on lots of ball handling and shooting, and played several basketball games.
Below, left to right, Haylee, Rayna, Kenna, Coach Keitha Adams, Abigail, Sarah, Shawna, and Phoebe.
Phoebe, Silas, and Will all took swimming lessons in June. They did well, completing and passing their levels. Phoebe moves to level 6 next year, Silas to level 5, and Will to level 1.
Eric and Silas went on a guy's fishing trip with one of Eric's friends, Roby and his grandson, Jacob.
Both girls participated in the Campus volleyball clinics for their age groups. Sarah also helped out with the middle school group. They both enjoyed this and love playing volleyball.
Below, friends, Phoebe, Ana, Sarah, and Ava.
Below, middle school group.
Below, high school group.
We all ordered matching shirts for our girls' softball tournaments (softball moms and softball dads). Below, left to right, Ryan, Rachel, Rayna, Mandy, David, Abigail, Phoebe, Stacee, Eric, Haylee, Jenny, Jon, Shawna, Traci, and Steve.
We spent an evening Bull Frog hunting with friends. Most of us had never done this before so we were excited about what we might catch for the frog races coming up on July 4th.
Three families gathered with flashlights, a spotlight, buckets, baskets, nets, and smiles.
Let the frog catching begin.....
After catching a LOT of Bullfrogs and one GIANT Bullfrong that we nicknamed "Wilbur" (after the prize winning pig in Charlotte's Web), we walked back to Jenny and Jon's house to view our catch closer and prepare a place for them to stay until the frog races.
Below, our frog hunters left to right, Eric, Stacee, Haylee, Rayna, Ryan, Phoebe, Silas, Rachel, Raylene, Gavin, Jenny, Sarah, and Jon.
Below, left to right, Sarah, Jenny, Raylene, Jon, Gavin, Silas, Phoebe, Eric, Stacee, Rayna, Ryan, and Haylee. Picture taker - Rachel.
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