The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Hastings and Loger Grave Sites

Visiting grave sites at the Clearwater, Kansas cemetery.... over Memorial Day weekend.
The first is Howard and Jo Hastings, my grandparents. Sarah Jo was named after my Grandma Jo.  The back of their stone has a picture of mountains and their cabin in Colorado.  The sketch was drawn by my Aunt Jan and then carved into the headstone.
Next, buried right next to Grandma and Grandpa, is Harold Hastings, my Uncle.  Harold was Howard and Jo's oldest son (my dad's oldest brother - Grandpa and Grandma had five boys, Harold, Charles, Paul, Dale, and Larry).
Also buried at the Clearwater cemetery are Ben and Helen Sipult.  Helen was my Grandpa, Howard Hastings, older sister.
Helen and Ben Sipult's oldest son, Clyde.
Tadie and Louis Loger, (sister and brother).  They were my Great Grandmother, Dora Loger Hastings, siblings.
Fern and Henry Loger.  Henry was also a sibling to my Great Grandmother, Dora Loger Hastings.
Laura and Walter Loger.  Walter was also a sibling to my Great Grandmother, Dora Loger Hastings.
At Greenwood cemetery in Wichita, Kansas...
Admiral and Ida Hastings.  Admiral was the brother of my Great Grandfather, Paul Hastings.  (Paul married Dora Loger, and they had four children...Harold, Helen, Howard and Ida.)
??? I am not sure about how we are related to these two. (James was probably also a brother to my Great Grandfather Paul Hastings)???
Paul and Dora Hastings and their first-born infant son, Harold.  (My Great Grandparents and a Great Uncle).
Ida and Duane Hempsmyer.  Ida was my Grandpa, Howard Hastings, younger sister.

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