The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Rainforest Fruit Pops

Grandma Sharon came for a short visit over Memorial Day weekend.  Both girls love to "cook" with Grandma, so they got out Sarah's Dora and Diego cookbook before Grandma got here and tried to decide what they wanted to cook with her... When Grandma arrived both girls were running temperatures and Sarah had a sore throat so the cooking was forgotten until Grandma's last day visiting us.  

Rainforest Fruit Pops!  Made with fresh strawberries and Mangos.  (Both girls liked the fresh Mango pieces.)
They helped add things one at a time into the blender... vanilla yogurt, fruit, Apricot nectar, unflavored gelatin...
The recipe said to pour the mixture into paper Dixie cups with wooden popsicle sticks poked into the middles, but I did not have any of either one of those, so we used a muffin tin and Tinkerbell muffin papers.  This actually worked fine.  (Once they were frozen we peeled the paper off and ate them out of a bowl with a spoon.)
The mixture smelled really good!  After pouring the mixture into the cups or papers, place them in the freezer until frozen.  Next eat and enjoy!
Happy "Cooks"!

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