The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Monday, November 24, 2014

Phoebe's Schoolwork - Aug, Sept, Oct

Phoebe has had a good first three months of school.  We have noticed great improvements in her speech.  She is also getting better at letter and number identification, and can count to 38 independently.
She continues to practice cutting, gluing, coloring, and writing her name at school.
She has gotten to make some fun art projects over the last few months.  She told us that she made the t-shirt (below) with a paint and glue mixture.  And the picture project (below) she made of herself, of course, had yellow hair!
 She made the texture pumpkin by placing different textures under the paper on different sections of the pumpkin and then coloring the top of the paper section by section.
The pumpkin book below was one she helped make for herself during her individual speech time.  It helped her practice the ch sound.
Phoebe has been practicing writing the letters of the alphabet, saying letters and their sounds, and recognizing and identifying letters.
Around Halloween time she got to make several craft projects that were hung on the bulletin boards in the classroom and hallway.
All Pre-K students and their families were invited to a "Messy" night, hosted by the district's Early Childhood office.  Phoebe and I went and spent about an hour doing ALL of the messy activities... There was colored spaghetti noodles to search for letters in, gooey stuff to search for eyeballs in,...
LOTS of painting....
And a LOT of gooey hand and feet activities.  Phoebe had a very GOOD time being messy and creative!
Below she is holding three of her "Messy" night projects that she painted using several types of brushes.
Her class got to take a field trip to a local pumpkin patch one morning before Halloween.  Phoebe was excited to ride the bus with her teachers and friends.  Silas and I met them there.
We all got to take a hayrack ride and walk through the corn maze.  Each child got to pick out one medium sized pumpkin and three little pumpkins to take home with them.  Then they got to play in the children's area before heading back to the school.
Phoebe and Silas liked riding these trikes around the trike track.  Phoebe picked the yellow trike to ride!
Silas used his tippy toes to move his small red trike around the track.  Then they both enjoyed jumping and climbing in the large inflatables until it was time to go.
Below is Phoebe's class: (left to right) boy, teacher, Lyric, Emma, Hannah, Brody, boy, Remmington, boy, and Phoebe  
Phoebe also got to dress-up on Halloween and parade around the school and in the classrooms with her class this year.  Then her class had a small party with lots of snacks before being dismissed for the day.
Smile! Fall yearbook pictures were taken in October.

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