The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Snow Exciting

About three weeks ago, on a Sunday morning when we woke up, it was snowing!  We ended up with about two inches on the ground and some super excited kids.  I don't know if everyone's kids get excited and have to play in it each time it snows, but ours do, and I am pretty sure my siblings and I did too.
The kids threw snowballs, took rides on their sleds, and made some snow angels.  Yes, Silas wore pink mittens.  He has hand-me-downs from two sisters which include pink mittens.  They kept his hands warm, but got several eye rolls and comments from Daddy about needing new mittens.  (I have since been to the store and remedied this pink mitten problem for him and Daddy.)
Eric wasn't feeling well on this all (which rarely happens) but he put his Super Dad pants and cape on (actually it was more of a warm camo hunting outfit, but whatever) and went outside with our children.  He pulled all three kids around and around the yard on their sleds for at least a half an hour.  Super Dad I tell you!
Eric held onto the ropes attached to the girls sleds and Sarah held the rope attached to Silas's sled.
And off they went!

There was lots of laughter and smiles!

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