The kids got to help Daddy a little with carving our big pumpkin that we got at the pumpkin patch this year. They mostly watched, scooped out a few seeds with a shovel, (Phoebe was the first kid to put her hand in and grab out some of the pumpkin goop. Sarah and Silas did not want to put their hands into the goop.) and rode their bikes around the garage while Daddy carved the pumpkin. We picked out a Powercat design and Daddy got to work.
It turned out pretty well for a quick free-hand design. He drew the Powercat onto the pumpkin while looking at a picture of a Powercat before cutting it.
Silas was very concerned that there was "FIRE" inside the pumpkin and kept pointing at it and telling us, "fire, fire, fire" over and over.
Popee and Nanee came to our house on Halloween. Popee brought three medium sized pumpkins to carve with the kids. Again, the only kid who would put their hand in and pull out some pumpkin goop was Phoebe. Silas liked watching, but did NOT want to touch any of the pumpkins.
Popee even got Phoebe to put a carved out pumpkin slice in her mouth for a Jack-O-Lantern silly picture!
Sarah had elaborate plans for her pumpkin face... hearts words, and more hearts.
Popee helped her scale it back a lot, then she decorated it with a sharpie marker and some loving words after it was carved.
Pumpkins, left to right, Phoebe's smiling Jack, Sarah's love Jack, and Silas's silly Jack.
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