~ 6 Year Old Interview ~
What is your favorite movie or show to watch?
Barbie shows on Netflix and Mr. Grinch
What are some of your favorite songs?
I Want A Hippopotamus For Christmas and My Mother Is a Baker song
Who are some of your favorite friends?
Lila, Lydia, Rayna, Lyric, Taityn, and Haley, and Sarah
What is your favorite dinner food?
Macaroni and Cheese and Soup
What do you like to drink?
Apple Cider, Chocolate Milk, and Juice
What are some of your favorite smells?
Flowers and lotions
What is your favorite color?
What is your favorite animal?
What is your favorite snack?
Cookies and pumpkin pie and cake
What is your favorite book?
Berenstain Bears Christmas book
What are some of your favorite toys?
Barbies, dollhouse things, Legos, and ride my bike
What do you like to do with Sarah?
Play hide and seek, play dogs and cats, and chase games
What do you like to do with Silas?
Play stuffed animals and play house
Where would you like to go on a trip or vacation ?
The cabin in Colorado and Nanee and Popee's house
I like it when Daddy and I.....?
...go to the cabin, and spend Christmas with my family and when we go to the park.
I like it when Mommy and I....?
....go outside and play in the snow.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
A doctor
It makes me mad when....?
Silas and Sarah don't play right, when I want them to play like I want to.
I am scared of...?
Evil and the dark.
I am happy when...?
I get on purple at school and when it is Christmas.
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