The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Carving Our Pumpkins

Eric helped the kids carve their pumpkins the night before Halloween.  We looked at pictures of Jack-O-Lanterns on cards and in books for ideas.  Each one picked a completely different face.  Then Eric drew them onto the pumpkins and cut the tops off.
Sarah still does not like to put her hands into the pumpkin goop.  She wants someone to help her, and by help her I mean do it for her....  She did a little bit and then had help from me, Phoebe, and Eric.
Phoebe dug right into her pumpkin...with both hands!
Silas was a little hesitant, but once he got started he kept on taking seeds and goop out a little at a time.
Here they are with their finished Jack-O-Lanterns.  Sarah was a silly smiler.  Phoebe's had a dog face, and Silas's had a spooky face.
Thank you Eric, for being our best and favorite pumpkin carver!  This job takes a certain amount of patience and skill, and you've got both.  We love you.
Happy Halloween Eve!

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