The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Halloween 2016 ~ Wizard Of Oz

This year our kids decided to dress as Wizard of Oz characters for Halloween.  We couldn't talk Eric into dressing up this year so only the kids wore costumes.  Sarah was the Wicked Witch.  Phoebe was Dorothy.  And, Silas was the Lion.  They all hadn't actually seen the movie The Wizard Of Oz until about two weeks ago.  We decided to have a family movie night and watch it all together so that they would know about the character that they were going to dress as on Halloween.  I was afraid that parts of the movie might scare them and they wouldn't be able to sleep.  So far so good though.  No bad dreams yet.  

We started our Halloween festivities at the girl's school with a Halloween parade and classroom parties.  
Next we headed to Eric's office to trick-or-treat everyone there.  It was fun to visit Eric at work and see other friends he works with, and some of their children dressed up too.
Back at home we regrouped, ate a quick dinner, took some pictures, and headed out for trick-or-treating on our street and to a church trunk-or-treat.
The Wicked Witch ~ Sarah
She wasn't crazy about the big green witch nose as part of her costume.  She said it hurt her face to wear it.  She didn't smile in many of my pictures.  I thought it was because she was really getting into being a witch, but she told me the nose hurt her face even more when she smiled.
The Cowardly Lion ~ Silas
While trick-or-treating, I prompted Silas to tell one man what he was searching for... (the answer, which we had rehearsed several times, was obviously COURAGE).  He told the man the other obvious answer, CANDY.
Dorothy ~ Phoebe
Phoebe liked her sparkly shoes and carrying Toto in the little basket.
Silas and his Jack-O-Lantern.
Phoebe and her Jack-O-Lantern.
Sarah and her Jack-O-Lantern.
Popee and Nanee visited us for a few hours.  They went to the Halloween parade to see all the kids and teachers dressed up in their costumes, trick-or-treated Eric's office with us, and ate dinner with us, then headed home.
We're off to see the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz.....
The Lion, Dorothy, and the Wicked Witch had a nice time trick-or-treating.  They got along well, (no melting of each other) and came HOME with buckets FULL of candy.  No clicking of the heels required.

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