We had a nice baby shower for my sister, Lindsee, while she and EP were back for Thanksgiving. All the guys loaded up and headed to a friends house to play games while the ladies took care of shower business.
Pictured below, left to right, Silas, Charles, Ernie, Dan, Cory, Eric, EP, and Dad.
We had fresh fruit salad, fruit pies (blueberry, apple, peach, and cherry), and punch at the shower.
We hung up a baby statistics poster for everyone to write their guesses of the baby's name, birth date, birth weight and height, and birth time on. Her due date (doctor's best guess) is mid-January. It will be interesting to see who comes the closest with all of our guesses.
We played a "Guess How Many Toilet Paper Squares" around Lindsee's baby belly game.
Sarah measured Lindsee's belly with a big hug.
The winner was Aunt Wyonna with 13 squares. Mom made the most funny guess... 34 squares!
Pictured below, Aunt Judy, Lindsee, Aunt Jan, and Aunt Wyonna.
Inside their invitations everyone received a small notecard with instructions to write a blessing or advice for Lindsee and bring it to the shower. They were also supposed to pick out and attach a special bead to the notecard for Lindsee. Later Lindsee and a friend will string all the beads together as a keepsake.
Lindsee and EP received some very nice gifts for the baby.
They got some very special, and beautiful, handmade blankets.
Pictured Above: Wyonna, Melissa, Shirley, Amelia, Janet, Vicki, Melanie, Debbie, Cindy, Barb, Kathryn, Gloria, Sarah, Phoebe, Lindsee, Stacee, Jan, and Johannah
Family is one of God's most precious gifts to us, and boy howdy, we sure got some of THE BEST Aunts, Uncles, and Parents anyone could ever be blessed with!
Lindsee you will be a good mom! I can't wait to meet and hold your newest gift from God to our family. He is already loved and adored. I love you, Lindsee Jo!
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