The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Silas's October and November School Report

Silas is still enjoying going two mornings a week to preschool.  In October he went with his class on a field trip to a large pumpkin patch.  It was cold, windy, and rainy when we all arrived.  He went with his class straight out into the pumpkin patch to pick a pumpkin first.
Then they walked around and rode trains, played on equipment, walked on hay bales, 
rolled in a giant human hamster wheel,
went down fast and bumpy slides,
ate lunch, jumped on a large jumping pillow, rode the zip line,
pedaled big trikes,
and had LOTS of fun!
Silas gets to paint and use markers to create and work on several projects at school.
They work on one letter and one number each week.
He is getting better at using scissors.
He usually has one homework sheet a week to practice writing one letter, upper and lowercase.
Below is his fall school picture.

Eric and I attended a Thanksgiving lunch and program at his school.  The kids performed about four songs for all the parents and grandparents.  Then we ate a lunch of ham, mashed potatoes and gravy, corn, and rolls.  It was delicious.
 Below is the placemat that he made for the Thanksgiving lunch.
The kids all had to tell the teacher something they were thankful for to be written on the signs that their pilgrims and indians were holding.  Silas said he is thankful for "faith".
Silas's class took a field trip on November 30th to the Wichita Children's Theatre.  There they saw the production of  "The Gingerbread Man".  Silas's favorite part of the story/play was when the Gingerbread man told the story of being chased by the dog, cow, a boy, and a farmer.
We are glad that Silas likes school and has made many new friends there.  He is a smart boy and likes learning.

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