The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

A Day In Iowa

 ~ Eric Hendrickson ~ 

We went to Sioux City, Iowa on Saturday (9/15) to attend my cousin Jimmy Pepple's wedding.  We haven't seen my dad's side of the family in about 6 years so a visit was long over due.  We got into town around 12:30 and had lunch with my dad.  We then headed out to the wedding location about 15 minutes north of town.
When we arrived, we saw Elk in the adjacent field.
Below is my cousin Venus (middle) and Aunt Gloria (left).  Gloria is Jimmy's mother.
The kids looked nice and behaved great.
Above I am talking with my Uncle John (black suit).  He is Jimmy's father.  My dad is also talking with us.
David, Jimmy's brother, (above) was a groomsmen.  He walked in with his girlfriend, who was a bridesmaid.  Jimmy's daughter was the flower girl.
The kids and took a picture with Grandpa Rich (my dad).
We took a cousin's picture (above).
And some family pictures.
We stayed for the cake cutting and danced a few dances.  We then went back to my cousin Isaac's motel so the kids could swim.  Our air conditioner in the van acted up for the ride up to Iowa (90 plus degrees) so we decided to drive back to Kansas around 10 pm, arriving sometime after 3 am.  The trip home was much more bearable.  Although it was not a long visit, it was great seeing everyone.  God bless your marriage.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

His Six Year Interview

- 6 Year Old Interview -
What is your favorite color?
* Blue and green
What is your favorite movie?
* Coco and Cars 3
What do you like to do with Daddy?
* Play Wii with him and just play
What do you like to do with Mommy?
* I like to watch movies with you
What do you like to play with Phoebe?
* Play Wii, play Barbies, play trampoline ball (trampoline ball is a game played with a wiffle ball and bat on the trampoline that he and Phoebe made up.)
What do you like to play with Sarah?
* She doesn't let me play with her.  Sometimes stuffed animals.
What is your favorite Bible story?
* David and Goliath.  Goliath dies.
What are your favorite songs?
* VBS music, Fear Is A Liar, Uptown Funk, and all the Big and Rich songs that Daddy and I listen to
What are some of your favorite toys?
* Squirt and Wolfie (those are two stuffed animals) and cars
What are some of your favorite board games?
* Hungry Hippos, Hot Potato with the cards, and Disney Eye Found It
What is your favorite candy?
* Reese's
What are some of your favorite foods?
* Cottage cheese, macaroni and cheese, pepperoni and cheese pizza, chips, Daddy and Heidi's enchiladas
What are some of your favorite desserts?
* Root beer floats, smoothies, milkshakes, ice cream sundaes, strawberry pie, strawberries on angel food cake, and brownies
What do you like to drink?
* Root beer, milk, orange Fanta, cream soda
What do you want to be when you grow up?
* A firefighter and play all the sports except boxing and wrestling
Where would you like to go on a trip?
* Back to Florida and go to Disneyworld
What do you like to do outside?
* Play with the cats, trampoline ball, play wiffle ball, and play on our equipment
What are you scared of?
* The Halloween decorations at Menard's that you push the button on, ghosts, and the dark
If you could have a super power, what would it be?
* Like Frozone on the Incredibles - freezing water to ice
What are some of the things that you like so far about Kindergarten?
* Playing on the playground at recess, music class, technology class, and P.E.

Silas is Six

Silas turned six at the beginning of August.
He opened his gifts in the afternoon.  He got some new Disney Cars from Sarah (2 buses).
He got some Royals Legos from Phoebe.
And from Eric and I, he got some clothes and an Incredibles Lego set.
After opening gifts we loaded up and headed for Kansas City.  We had tickets to the Kansas City Royals vs. Chicago Cubs baseball game that evening.  It was a hot day.  As we entered the ball park there were some big fan misters that Silas took full advantage of.
Before finding our seats for the game we walked around the stadium and looked in the Royals museum at memorabilia and trophies.  We also watched a short movie about their last World Series season and win.
Silas likes the catcher for the Royals, Salvador Perez
Below, with the two Royals World Series trophies...
Our seats were pretty high up, behind home plate.  We watched a few innings from there and then decided to get some ballpark dinner and move to some open seats out on the third base line.
Silas wanted both pizza and nachos.  So that is exactly what the birthday boy got to eat.  The rest of us ate pizza, hot dogs, and chicken strips.
Eric and Sarah were dressed in Cubs attire.  Phoebe, Silas, and I had our Royals shirts on.
The Royals won the game 9 - 0.  It was an exciting game to be watching if you were cheering for the Royals!
A few days later we had Silas's birthday party at our house.  He wanted to have friends come over to play Wiffle ball.  So, we invited them all over to play Wiffle ball and for cake.
We also got out our corn hole game for some to play.  We divided our Wiffle ball teams into boys vs. girls.
It was a pretty close game... but girls won in the end.
Silas also requested a pinata' for his party.  I found a baseball pinata' and filled it too full of candy.  (This was our first pinata'.)  I made it way too heavy and it only held up for a couple of whacks before it fell to the ground, but did not bust open.  Eric tried to tie it back up but couldn't get it to hold.

That's alright, Coach Dustin came to the rescue and helped us scatter the candy and break up the pinata'.
Pictured below, left to right, Gabbi, (Gabbi's friend), Knova, Phoebe, Silas, Abigail, Braelynn, and Bryden.  Not pictured: Ella and Sarah.
Blow those candles out Silas!
After we ate cake and fruit salad, Silas opened his gifts.  He got a lot of nice things from his friends and family.
Popee and Nanee even gave him a new toy for our kittens.
Pictured below, Nanee, Popee, Silas, and Nanee's cousin Cheryl.
Silas got a cool new car and coloring pad in the mail from Grandma Sharon.
And he got some Spy Gear from Uncle Bret, Aunt Andrea, and cousins Ayden and Kallin.
Silas, you are a smart, energetic, athletic, nice boy.  You are fun to be around.  You enjoy playing all kinds of games inside and outside.  You like to win, a lot.  You are a lot like your Daddy and your Popee.  I love to watch you collecting bugs and enjoying the outdoors.  You are a good friend to people you know.  You care about others and like interacting and being around family and friends.  I am so glad I get to be your Mommy and watch you grow up.  You make me smile and laugh, and keep me moving everyday.  We all love you very much!  Happy Birthday to my forever Sweetie Petey Pie.