The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Daddy Daughter Dance 2020

**Guest Blogger**
Eric Hendrickson

For several years now, I have taken both Sarah and Phoebe to our local Activity Center's Daddy Daughter Dance.  Since Sarah is now in middle school, she is no longer able to go.  So, this year Phoebe and I got to go.
Isn't Phoebe beautiful?!
Stacee fixed her hair in a beautiful up-do.
We hung out with Steve and Shawna the entire evening.  Most of the time was spent out on the dance floor.  Steve and Shawna were dancing it up.  Phoebe usually dances it up, but not this year.  Not sure why, neither does she.  We did have a good time.

We were about 2 minutes from the school where they were having the dance before I realized we forgot the corsage.  We were able to go home and get it arriving just in time for the start of the event.
Phoebe picked my suit and tie.  It coordinates well with her outfit.  We have two more of these Daddy Daughter dances that she and I can attend together before she gets too old too.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Phoebe - Upward Basketball Season

Phoebe moved up to the 4th-6th grade girls Upward league this year.  Last year there was only 2 teams of this age group, but thankfully this year we had 4 teams.  Our team name was the Sparks and I coached with Steve (Shawna's dad).  We were a good team and had an undefeated season (one tie).  This was my most drama filled year of coaching.  It seemed each game I was trying to console a crying girl.  Despite the drama, we played some pretty good basketball.
Game #1 - against Mercury - January 11th

Above, Phoebe, me, Steve, and Shawna.
Game #2 - against Sun - January 18th
Ernie and Judy came to watch along with Popee and Nanee.
Game #3 - against Fever - January 25th
We played against Bella (Coach Ro's daughter).  She is very aggressive.  Phoebe played great defense against her because one of our other players (Amiyah) and Bella could not play against each other nicely.
Phoebe played some point guard this year.
I can't think of anyone that tries harder than Phoebe.
Game #4 - against Mercury - February 1st
Phoebe is playing against Cari, a seventh grader.  We were down 15 at half against this team and were able to come back and end in a tie.
Game #5 - against Sun - February 8th
Phoebe played some good defense against her friend Abigail too.
Game #6 - against Fever - February 15th
This was another rough game (physically) against Bella's (Coach Ro's) team.....
Game #7 - against Mercury - February 22nd
Game #8 - against Sun - February 29th
Pizza and Play the Parents
At the middle of each practice, we did a devotional.  I really enjoyed this time with the team and I love this aspect of Upward.  This team did a great job of memorizing our scripture verses and associated virtues.
For our last practice we had a pizza party and had a Kids vs. Parents game.  The kids won by 2.
Above, Coach Eric, Coach Steve, Hannah, Camryn, Phoebe, Shawna, and Amyiah.
Upwards Awards
Each team was called on stage, coach's and players recognized, and players each given a new Upward bag.