The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Daddy Daughter Dance 2020

**Guest Blogger**
Eric Hendrickson

For several years now, I have taken both Sarah and Phoebe to our local Activity Center's Daddy Daughter Dance.  Since Sarah is now in middle school, she is no longer able to go.  So, this year Phoebe and I got to go.
Isn't Phoebe beautiful?!
Stacee fixed her hair in a beautiful up-do.
We hung out with Steve and Shawna the entire evening.  Most of the time was spent out on the dance floor.  Steve and Shawna were dancing it up.  Phoebe usually dances it up, but not this year.  Not sure why, neither does she.  We did have a good time.

We were about 2 minutes from the school where they were having the dance before I realized we forgot the corsage.  We were able to go home and get it arriving just in time for the start of the event.
Phoebe picked my suit and tie.  It coordinates well with her outfit.  We have two more of these Daddy Daughter dances that she and I can attend together before she gets too old too.

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