The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Monday, June 21, 2021

Mom's Visit

**Guest Blogger**
Eric Hendrickson
My mom, Grandma Sharon, came up from Fort Worth to visit from Thursday (6/10) to Wednesday (6/16)
Thursday - She showed up about the time to head to the girls softball games for the evening.  She got to watch both Sarah and Phoebe win their games.
Friday - Friday was pedicure day for the girls.
Silas did not get one but enjoyed the massage chair.  I was told he did ask the technician if they had camo paint though.

After I got off work on Friday, we headed for Concordia, Missouri to see my grandma.  We made a stop in Emporia to see Popee and Nanee.

Stacee took and sent the picture above to weatherman Bret.  He replied that the clouds are called Mammatus Clouds.
We got takeout chinese for dinner from a restaurant in Concordia, that we had eaten at back when my Uncle John had died three years ago.  The owner of the store remembered me and thanked me for coming back. While we waited for the food to be made, the kids took some pictures by some murals at a nearby building.
Saturday - On Saturday, we ate breakfast at a local diner and went to the care facility at 10am.  I checked Grandma out of the facility and we headed out to Aunt Karen's place, which is a few miles out of town in the country.
Grandma looked great.  I love the color of her hair.  In the above picture, she is reading from a book that she gave Stacee and I 18 years ago.  This book asks questions about her life that she filled out and gave to us for our wedding.  I have brought the original book a few times when we have I visited her in the past.  She really enjoyed reading it to us at those visits so I made a copy of it for her.  This is a book that I cherish and it works great for her to remember and reflect upon things that have happened in her life.
Cousin Anne and her kids came out in the afternoon.  We had a fun time playing baseball, twirling batons, and talking with Grandma. Below, grandkids and great-grandkids, Eric, Sarah, Phoebe, Anne, Eli, Grandma Great, Eden, and Silas.

After the kids got done helping to feed cousin Joe's calf, we took Grandma back to the facility around 7:30.  We then headed back home.

Sunday - Sunday we went to Church.  Grandma Sharon watches services online and considers herself part of the church.  I really needed to mow and weedeat so Grandma Sharon talked to Stacee and watched the kids play in our little kid pool for a few hours.  We ended the evening by watching the movie, The Greatest Showman.
Monday - I was at work on Monday.  The rest of the group did some shopping and went to Starbucks.

Silas and I had a game in Mulvane Monday evening that we won 21-10.  Grandma went to Goddard to watch Sarah's highschool basketball games.
Tuesday - Grandma Sharon and Sarah made a key lime pie.

In the evening, Grandma Sharon was able to go to Conway Springs to watch Phoebe's team play and came back to Haysville to watch Sarah play.  
Wednesday - I said good-bye to Mom as I was leaving for work.  The kids were able to say good bye as she was leaving to drive back to Texas.

Mom, I am glad you got to watch some games and experience the hectic Hendrickson summer of softball and baseball and other activities.  We love you.

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