My dad had four brothers. He was the 3rd born boy. I have heard it said that my grandma cried, just a little, when he was born because she was hoping for a girl. She ended up with five boys, four daughter-in-laws, and 10 grandchildren.
One of dad's older brothers, Charles, was celebrating his 50th class reunion over the weekend at the fall Festival. His class rode on a float in the parade. They had about half their class there to ride on the trailer. Charles's good friend, classmate and best man from his wedding, Dale Parker, was there to celebrate too.
Charles, sitting at the back of the float waving. Dale Parker, standing up waving.
My favorite part of the Festival... riding the Scrambler with my mom and Sarah. The Scrambler is fun by itself, but when it started and mom and Sarah were thrown into me... all I could do was laugh... and say "oh my hip!"... and laugh some more. Mom, Sarah and I laughed so hard and smiled through the entire ride. And, another Clearwater family memory was made.
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