The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Monday, March 31, 2014

March Schoolwork

Sarah's 3rd nine week report card came home in mid-March.  She had all S+'s and one S.  She is doing so well in school!  She continues to amaze us and her teachers.  She is an intelligent girl who is a good friend to many of her classmates.  She shows compassion and love to those she encounters daily.
VOTE FOR ME ~ by Sarah
"I would pick the trash up all over the world I would pick up my room.  I'm fair.  For peace I would love my family.  I would take care of other people.  I would love others."
Me: Tell me about your shape art.
Sarah: "I was learning about shapes in math class.  First I had to make shapes by cutting shapes out.  Then we had to put them on.  Then glue them down.  Mine made a house, a road, and a bush."
Sarah: "First we had to use our pattern block template and trace around it.  And, then you had to color in the shapes.  This one made a baby duckling and a sunshine."
Me: Tell me about the turkey/peacock picture.
Sarah: "It was a story about a turkey who didn't want to get eaten so it dressed up like a pig, cow, horse, sheep and a goat, I think, and a rooster.  Then the farmer ate the rooster instead of the turkey.  Then we got to make a picture of what the turkey should dress up as.  Mine was a peacock."
Me: What types of things did you learn about at school for St. Patrick's Day?
Sarah: "Wearing green or you'll get pinched, and you can make an Irish song and eat Irish foods for dinner and breakfast and snacks, and lunch.  And, if you find a leprechaun and make him laugh he'll lead you to a pot of gold under the rainbow."
Me: What have you been learning about or leaning how to do in Language Arts during March?
Sarah: "Letter writing, Flat Stanley's, practicing hand-writing."
Me: Tell me about this yellow volcano that you made and brought home from school.
Sarah: "First we got a paper plate and we got to get a cup and we got to pick a color of play-doh.  Then we got to color our plate.  I colored the blue sky, green land, the moon, the stars, the lava, and the rocks.  Then my teacher comed around to put vinegar in the cup.  Then she put baking soda in the cup.  It exploded everywhere."

March School Days

Phoebe had a good month of school in March!  She is adjusting to being in the classroom and going to Speech.  She is making some new friends and likes her teachers.  One of her favorite things in her classroom is "playing with games".  She has also gotten to enjoy several of her classmates birthdays at school.

Me:  What do you get to do on someone's birthday at school?
Phoebe: "Eat cupcakes and eat cookies.  We sing Happy Birthday to You. I got a Scooby Doo ring from a cupcake with sprinkles and frosting on it."
Phoebe's March homework was to work with a family member to fill in her rainbow with objects from home and then return it to school for the classroom bulletin board.  Phoebe, Nanee and I worked on her rainbow over her Spring Break.  Nanee helped Phoebe cut many little pieces of yarn and then we all glued them onto her rainbow.  After the glue dried I cut it out for her.
Phoebe was excited to show me this hexagon shaped paper one day after school.  She quickly got it out of her backpack and happily reported to me that she had cut it out all by herself!
Me: Do you ever see Sarah when you are at school?
Phoebe: "Yes, sometimes and sometimes not.  One time I seed her in the gym.  I saw her in the hall.  I saw her outside and her played with me at recess."

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Our Spring Break

The kids and I spent part of our Spring Break last week visiting my Mom and Dad.  The first thing the girls and I did was to go and get our hair-cut.  We had our most favorite hair-cutter, Kathy, fix us all up!  Sarah had about three inches cut off, Phoebe had two inches cut, and I also had about two inches cut off.  (Yay for healthy hair and less tangles.)
Next Phoebe, Nanee and I worked together on her March homework.  She was supposed to decorate and a rainbow with some type of objects and return it to school before the end of March.  I helped her find yarn to place on the rainbow.  Nanee helped her cut little pieces and we all carefully glued them onto the rainbow.
The weather was nice so we spent some time playing outside in the backyard.  The roller coaster is always a fun time no matter how big or little you might me.
and Bocce Balls...
We even found a Ladybug!  Silas wasn't too sure about it at first.  Sarah and I both showed him they are nice bugs and just like to crawl around on your hands and arms.  He was a little frightened of it when it spread it's wings and flew a short distance away from us.  After watching it do a bit more crawling around on Sarah and I, he let me hold his hand and let the Ladybug crawl on for a tiny bit.
There was cupcake making and decorating.
Our friend, Shirley, came over for dinner, cupcakes and playing.
Silas loved these swinging bucket rides from Shirley!
The next day we headed up to Topeka to visit the zoo.  We also met some friends there.  Ron and Betsy and Vicki, Jennifer, Cali, and Nate.  We spent a couple hours looking around at the animals, and had a picnic lunch 
Look at those cute bugs!
Below are all the kids together... Nate really liked walking around with Sarah and holding her hand.
We also got to feed the goats while we were at the zoo.
Goat: "Give me a KISS, Sarah!"  Sarah: "Oh Goat, get real, that's disgusting."  (Ha!)
Jennifer and I have been friends forever.  She and her Mom, Vicki, lived next door to my parents when I was born.  She is so nice and caring.  I love her and her family.
Silas fell asleep about one minute after we got into the van and started to drive back to Popee and Nanee's house.  The zoo wore him out.
The next day we were supposed to go to Lawrence, KS for an appointment with my parents and then meet some different friends at a park for another picnic and playing.  About five minutes before we needed to leave the house, Silas slipped in the bathroom and hit his chin on the bathtub, in a not so graceful fall.  He and I ended up in the Emergency Room getting a stitch and some glue, while my parents and Sarah headed on up to Lawrence, and Shirley saved the day by coming over to play with Phoebe.  Yikes!  The best made plans gone awry yet again.  Thank you life for throwing us these small curve balls.  What would I do if things went exactly how I planned them to go???? (said with a hint of sarcasm).  But seriously, I will take these "small"curve balls.  They're just small bumps in our already not so smooth road of life.
Silas did alright in the ER.  He just cried a couple minutes right after falling, Then again in the ER whenever anyone wanted to touch him or hold him down.  We got right into the ER, but then had to wait for his chin to numb up so that he could get the stitch.  This hospital also had no papoose board, or so they said, so I had to help hold down my own child while the doctor worked on his chin.  (I have a very strong 19 month old...a little Superman in the making.)
Meanwhile, in Lawrence my parents and Sarah were having a grand time with our friends, the Achleitners, and as Herbert would say, "Our Favorite Neighbors!" Thank you Herbert, Suzy, Sarah, Lizzy, and Jayden for meeting some of us for a fun afternoon.  I hope to get to see all of you on the next go round.
My Sarah had a good time with my friend Sarah's daughter, Lizzy.
We also got to go swimming, eat Dairy Queen ice cream treats, see Uncle Matt, and watch the movie, Frozen, together.  We had a great Spring Break trip, but were all glad to get back home and see Daddy again.  Thanks Nanee, Popee, and friends for all of the fun and laughs!