The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Monday, March 31, 2014

March Schoolwork

Sarah's 3rd nine week report card came home in mid-March.  She had all S+'s and one S.  She is doing so well in school!  She continues to amaze us and her teachers.  She is an intelligent girl who is a good friend to many of her classmates.  She shows compassion and love to those she encounters daily.
VOTE FOR ME ~ by Sarah
"I would pick the trash up all over the world I would pick up my room.  I'm fair.  For peace I would love my family.  I would take care of other people.  I would love others."
Me: Tell me about your shape art.
Sarah: "I was learning about shapes in math class.  First I had to make shapes by cutting shapes out.  Then we had to put them on.  Then glue them down.  Mine made a house, a road, and a bush."
Sarah: "First we had to use our pattern block template and trace around it.  And, then you had to color in the shapes.  This one made a baby duckling and a sunshine."
Me: Tell me about the turkey/peacock picture.
Sarah: "It was a story about a turkey who didn't want to get eaten so it dressed up like a pig, cow, horse, sheep and a goat, I think, and a rooster.  Then the farmer ate the rooster instead of the turkey.  Then we got to make a picture of what the turkey should dress up as.  Mine was a peacock."
Me: What types of things did you learn about at school for St. Patrick's Day?
Sarah: "Wearing green or you'll get pinched, and you can make an Irish song and eat Irish foods for dinner and breakfast and snacks, and lunch.  And, if you find a leprechaun and make him laugh he'll lead you to a pot of gold under the rainbow."
Me: What have you been learning about or leaning how to do in Language Arts during March?
Sarah: "Letter writing, Flat Stanley's, practicing hand-writing."
Me: Tell me about this yellow volcano that you made and brought home from school.
Sarah: "First we got a paper plate and we got to get a cup and we got to pick a color of play-doh.  Then we got to color our plate.  I colored the blue sky, green land, the moon, the stars, the lava, and the rocks.  Then my teacher comed around to put vinegar in the cup.  Then she put baking soda in the cup.  It exploded everywhere."

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