The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Friday, January 23, 2015

2015 Words And Wishes ~ To You And Me

As a result of experiences that my family and I shared in 2014 and people (because they are family, we worked together on a project or an event, or our kids were in activities together, we went to the same church, or I spent time with because they truly are my friend) that I was around, there are some things that I learned or were strongly reinforced to me over the course of the last year.

Some of the struggles and trials Eric and I faced together, and some I faced with his support.  Some I had to face over and over (Maybe I am a slow learner.  Maybe I am too nice.  Maybe I gave too many chances.  Maybe I should have worn sunscreen.  Maybe I was hoping for a good or right outcome, Maybe I need to be a stronger voice for God, who knows?) in 2014.  What I do know though, is every experience God gives us and every person he puts in our lives is for a reason....  So the letter below is a letter to YOU.  It is also a letter to ME.  A letter that will serve as a reminder to me of lessons learned in 2014 and things that we should not forget.

God loves each one of us very much.  He sent his own Son to DIE for YOU and for ME so that we could be SAVED.  He does not promise that we will not have hard times, but he does promise to ALWAYS be with us.  And, that there will be a better life in Heaven for us, with Him someday.  OH HAPPY DAY! 
And, if this isn't one of the sweetest reminders in the whole wide world of the VICTORY we all can have, then I don't know what could be...

So, on those upcoming days when we feel discouraged or just need a reminder of "lessons", I leave you, and me, with my letter below.  Take what YOU need from it.  Use it in your life.

To YOU (and me),
Best wishes for a FRESH, HOT, FUN, SHINY 2015!  Move forward.  Be Generous.  And, be True.  TRUE to yourself, others, and your word, and remember that your actions ALWAYS speak louder than your words.  SHINE.  Show God's love and kindness to others through your actions.  Know who you can trust and who you can't, and don't forget.  Don't be so full of yourself that you can't see past your own nose.  Get down off the pedestal YOU have built for yourself and sit in the lawn chairs WITH everyone else.  Don't keep the negatives in your life.  Let IT go, let THEM go.  Surround yourself with things AND people that are positive, happy, and good.  Be Brave.  Give your advice and honest opinions when asked.  ALWAYS stand up for what is RIGHT, even if you are the only one standing.  Speak the truth even when your voice shakes.  Loyalty can be seen as a virtue; Be careful.  Loyalty can also be VERY dangerous.  Talk to God; He listens.  Enjoy what God has blessed you with.   And, book a LOT of shoots.  Capture God's glory!  It is all around you everyday.  All you have to do is sit, be quiet, open your eyes, and breathe it ALL in.  Hold hands frequently with the one's you love.  Hug and hold on tight to those who LOVE and cherish YOU.  A TRUE friend is hard to find, a treasure to keep, and a gift from God.
From, Me

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