The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Phoebe's Schoolwork - November and December

Phoebe had a great November and December in the classroom.  She enjoys being with the other kids, playing outside and inside, doing projects, and painting.
She was sad for a couple of days because she hadn't seen one of her favorite friends, Hannah, for awhile.  So, she and I asked her teacher about Hannah, and we found out that Hannah had moved. She does have other friends at school though, and already has a new girl in her class that she seems to like playing with. 
Before Thanksgiving she made several turkey and feather crafts.
The Thanksgiving turkey craft below was laminated so that it could be used as a place-mat at home.
The day before the Thanksgiving break, Phoebe's class had a Thanksgiving feast.  They ate things like popcorn, pretzels, cupcakes, fruit chews, raisins, cheese, crackers, and juice bags.
Happy Thanksgiving!
More cutting practice...

Christmas craft projects...
Phoebe's class had a Polar Express Day one day before Christmas break.  They each got to wear their pajamas to school, watch the Polar Express movie, drink hot chocolate, and eat candy.  They also each received a special Polar Express round trip ticket to board the Polar Express Train.
Phoebe got to participate in the all-school Christmas assembly with her class.  They all got to sing lots of Christmas songs, and listened to some of the older children play Christmas songs on their recorders.  Then they watched the teachers perform a silly act to the song, Twelve Days of Christmas.
Before the assembly the school had a special visit from Santa Claus, who brought each child a new book.  After the assembly Phoebe's class played a "stick the nose on Rudolph" game, and ate some Christmas snacks.
Below are two more of Phoebe's Christmas projects.  The picture wreath was her gift to Eric and I.
 Phoebe glued yarn on top of this stocking (below) and then drew our family building a snowman together.
Merry Christmas!

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