The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Christmas Gifts From Texas 2014

We opened the gifts that we received in the mail from Texas on Christmas Eve before the kids went to bed.  The girls each got clothes and these great Disney princess dolls from Grandma Sharon.  They were very excited when they ripped the wrapping paper off and discovered that Grandma had gotten them these dolls.  They wanted to open them and play with them immediately.
Silas also got an outfit from Grandma and some trucks and cars.  Cars and trucks are one of his most favorite things to play with!  So, you can't go wrong getting him any sort of car or truck.
Uncle Bret, Aunt Andrea, Ayden, and Kallin also sent some fun Christmas gifts to the kids.
Thank you Sharon (Grandma), Bret, Andrea, Ayden, and Kallin for the gifts!

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