The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Gifts At Dad And Mom's House

We drove to my parents house late in the afternoon on December 25th.  After dropping our dog off at the kennel, and unloading our van, then hugs all around, we decided to open Christmas gifts.
There were a lot of great gifts!
And a lot of big smiles!
The girls both got American Girl dogs and accessories to go with the dogs from Nanee and Popee.  They both were very excited about this.  They had each gone through the American Girl magazine that we had gotten in the mail months before Christmas and carefully circled and written their names next to the items that they each wanted.  It is so fun to see them open a present and discover it is something that they really really wanted or had been looking at in a magazine or in the store for a long time.  The excitement on their faces is contagious and joyful.  I am sure it is the same for most of us... when we open a gift and realize someone had been paying attention when we mentioned something we'd like to have or something that we need, or a meaningful gift...something that someone obviously put a lot of thought and time into... Those gifts are some of the very BEST!  Good job, gift givers!  High five to you, from me!
Silas got a GIANT Dump Truck from Nanee and Popee.  He got busy right away pushing it around, loading it up with things, and using it as a recliner.
We gave Mom this wooden sign that my friend, Trasie made for me to give her.  One of Mom's favorite hymns is "How Great Thou Art".
I got some new boots!  I heart boots!!!  Thank you again, gift givers!  This gift made me smile...a lot!
After the gifts it was time for a little bit of silly fun time...
Then a wii Disney Just Dance contest... first up, Eric vs. Eric.
Next, Eric vs. Lindsee.  (Note: Lindsee had some of the funniest facial expressions while she was dancing!)
Finally, Eric kept winning, so we brought in the big guns... MATT!  Eric vs. Matt....
Then Matt dominated Just Dance for a few rounds until Sarah got her dance moves on!  Matt vs. Sarah...
Phoebe even joined in...
Then there was a little bit of Uncle Eric wrestling and some sort of a monster escape take down game that happened just before bedtime which wore three children out quite nicely.  Thank you, Uncle Eric!
Happy Christmas, continued!

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