The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Her Party The Next Day

Happy birthday party day to you.  Happy birthday party day to you...
Sarah had her birthday party the evening after her birthday.  She invited some girls from school and the girls from her basketball team to come over to our house for dinner and a movie.  We ended up with this crazy, full of energy and loud shrilly screams, crew of girls... and Silas.
They all started out playing together in the house while we waited for all of them to arrive.  Next was pizza for dinner.  We ordered pepperoni, beef and cheese.  Plain ole cheese pizza was the most popular among this group.  I somehow knew it would be.
Next up, presents.  Sarah got a lot of nice cards and gifts from all of her friends.
Cake time! And, yep, it was an ice cream cake!  (Three days in a row.)  Oh, the yumminess, especially that chocolate fudge layer right in the middle.
Movie time!  We bought the newly released Tinker Bell and the Legend of the Never Beast for all of the kids to watch.  All of them but one had not seen it.  It held most of their interest all the way through, but a few girls really just wanted to play and go crazy.  We also popped popcorn for them to eat while they watched the movie.  I think they ate their way through at least eight bags of microwave popcorn!
Below - Party Guests:  Top row left to right - Lauren, Silas, Bella, Sarah, Cari, Ava, Savannah - Bottom row left to right - Emily, Ivory, Phoebe, Mercedez, and Hannah
After the party was over and all the girls had gone home we discovered a box on our porch from Aunt Lindsee and Uncle Eric... a gift!  She opened it and found this cute shirt and vest.  Thanks Lindsee and EP.
Happy birthday party day dear Sarah, Happy birthday party day to you!

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