The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Phoebe Schoolwork - January, February, and March

Phoebe has been doing great the last three months in school.  She had been talking more in class to her peers and her teachers and has been doing better with things like letter and number recognition.  At home she is starting to sound out words for us, and is creating and spelling words using letter manipulatives.   Her speech also continues to improve.  She has been taught verbal and nonverbal ques to help herself remember how to make letter sounds and blends.  She implements these herself and corrects her own speech now at least 50% of the time.  
She manages the scissors well.  She enjoys days at school when she gets to paint and do art projects.
She can write all letters neatly and can copy words and sentences onto her paper easily.
Below are two projects she made... Her favorite color has ALWAYS been yellow, but it appears she likes purple too.
Me: Did you have a Valentine party in your classroom?  What did you do?
Phoebe: I made this bag for candy and cards.  We ate lots of snacks.
Me: What is your favorite thing about school?
Phoebe: Playing
Me: What is your least favorite thing/worst thing about school?
Phoebe: I like everything.
Me: What kinds of food do you take in your lunch box to eat at snack time?
Phoebe: fruit chews, fruit roll-up, applesauce cup, crackers, breakfast bars, and granola bars
Me: What do you like to play at recess?
Phoebe: I slide sometimes.  I play Elsa and Anna with Emma.
Me: How did you make this art project that was displayed at the school's art fair?
Phoebe:  Well I had a golf ball.  And I put the ball and the paper in a brown box.  I picked pink and purple colors.  Then I hold the box.  I shaked it (the box).  The ball rolled around and the paint splattered all over.
Below is Phoebe's Spring school picture.

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