The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Torquay Pottery For Kids

 ~ Judy Grant ~ (my Aunt)

Taken with permission, from "The Torquay Collector" Spring 2015 edition
Volume 27 Issue No. 1

In 2006, I invited my niece, Stacee Hendrickson, to attend the NATS convention in Harrisburg, PA with me.  She lived close by and she had always wanted to see what our conventions were like.  She had a passing interest in the pottery at that time.
During the mystery table, I had planted a pot there with a note that it was for Stacee, who has always been by buddy.  She did buy a couple of pots at the sales mall.  She found out that our group is the friendliest group (I had told her that!!!) and thoroughly enjoyed meeting everyone.  Everyone welcomed her like an old friend.  (That's how we are!).

Well time passed.  She is married to Eric and is now the mother of 3 darling children, Sarah, Phoebe, and Silas.
During the last few years, I have given each of these children a baby plate as a gift.  She recently took photos of each of them with their pot - Silas was the hard one as he is a typical boy - always moving.  However, she accomplished the photos. 

Stacee is going to try very hard to attend the convention this year at Bentonville.  She would like to renew some friendships she started way back in Harrisburg.  So look for her there!!!

For more information about Torquay Pottery or the 2015 Convention 

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