The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Saturday, March 21, 2015


Popee and Nanee came to spend time with Sarah the day before her birthday.  They let her pick the place we ate dinner... She picked IHOP.   As we were being seated she declared that she got to sit by Popee and Nanee because it was HER BIRTHDAY.  Then ordered a hot chocolate like it was HER BIRTHDAY or something too....
After dinner we headed to her basketball award ceremony then came back home where she opened presents from Popee and Nanee.
She was excited to get an American Girl Sheepdog, a Barbie Veterinarian set, some new chapter books, and some new clothes.
Lastly Popee and Nanee heard that she wanted ice cream cake for her birthday so they picked up a DQ ice cream cake on their way into town...  
Popee lit the candles and we sang Happy Birthday to her like it was HER BIRTHDAY.
Happy day before your birthday Sarah!  Popee and Nanee think the world of you and so do we!
Make a wish! And get ready to do it all again tomorrow!

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