The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Monday, May 16, 2016

Another Birthday

We celebrated Eric's birthday last weekend.  He never wants us to make a big deal about his birthday, but we always do.  He says, "It's just another day."  We say, "It's your birthday.  It IS a big deal.  We are celebrating YOU."  We each gave him a present and the kids each made him a card.  Their handmade cards rocked this year.
I helped Silas with the writing on his card.  I helped him write exactly what he told me he wanted it to say, "To Daddy From your birthday From Silas".  There may not be a future at Hallmark for him....
Phoebe decided to draw some pictures on her card for him first.  A clown, a cake, a present, balloons and streamers, and a love heart.
On the inside she wrote, "happy Birthday daddy from Phoebe.  I am one smart Phoebe."  Then on the back of the card she wrote, "My dad is smart to."  Alrighty then.  Hallmark?  Maybe Dayspring?  Whichever it is, she sure has a sense of humor and we love it and her!

Sarah wrote a LOT on her card.  The front said simply, "Happy Birthday I love you! From Sarah

To Daddy".  On the inside however, she went for sentiment, humor, and smarts.  "My Story.  Daddy you are special to me.  You kiss me, love me, nice to me, your the best daddy in the whole intire world and you know it.  Wait! Save the crying for last! that means you! daddyyy because if you cry you will be a baby again and you will start your life over again way over daddy.  So you won't be 38! Ha! Well let's get on with it.  You always tickle me he! he! he! You cheer me up when I am sad.  waa! Boo! hoo! You do things that I want! yay! You help me! You are one smart daddy Mr. Brainy head! What is 9 X 38 = ____ write it if you know it.  I don't think you know it! I love you From Sarah"  On the back she drew one candle and used humor again, "baby 1 year old Cutie It's a boy".
Eric shared his birthday with Mother's Day this year.  So we went out to eat Italian food with my parents for his birthday/Mother's Day dinner that night.  Eric requested Dilly Bars from Dairy Queen for his birthday treat instead of a cake.  We saved his Dilly Bars for the day after his birthday and ate some Cherry Chip cake that night for Mother's Day.  The Dilly Bars were delicious!
Happy Birthday, Eric!  Even though it was just another day, we want you to know how much we love you everyday.  You give to each of us selflessly everyday.  Your commitment to God and our family is admirable and a true sign of the strong Christian man that you are.  You are kind, giving, honest, a hard-worker, and a man of integrity.  I am so glad you are my husband.  I love you today and always.

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