The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Monday, May 23, 2016

Phoebe's May School Happenings

Phoebe had a fun Kindergarten year.  She enjoyed school and looked forward to going each day.  She loved her teacher and had a lot of friends that she liked playing with and being around.  There was one day at breakfast this year, when I overheard her talking to Sarah before school... She said to Sarah in a sad voice, "I don't want to go to school.  I don't like school. (then a dramatic pause) Just kidding!  I LOVE School!"  She learned to read and can sit down and read stories now to herself or others.  She impresses us with her addition and subtraction skills and seems to like the challenge of figuring out the answer to math problems.  She made a lot of progress academically and in speech this year.  She had a packet of homework almost every week of school this year that she completed at home and returned each week.  She did not complain, but rather enjoyed completing the worksheets, writing, reading, and math.
Memories of Kindergarten
My favorite thing about my teacher is... "She lets me play!"
My favorite thing to do at recess is... "Monkey bars"
The best thing about kindergarten is... "Reading books"
5 Things I've Learned In Kindergarten...
  1. "Be Nice"
  2. "Write"
  3. "Reading"
  4. "About Animals"
  5. "Math"
How do you use a compass?  What is it used for?
Phoebe:  On a map.  You can use one when you are hiking so you know where to go.  It tells you west and east and north and south.
What are some of your favorite animals?
Phoebe:  Dogs, Cats, Monkeys, Lions, Bears, Tigers
What do you hope to do during your summer break?
Phoebe:  Go swimming.  Go to a motel and stay there 10 days.  Go to Ernie and Judy's house.  Do swimming lessons.  Go to the cabin.
Tell me how you made the pretty picture/art below?
Phoebe:  I drawed first with my crayons.  Then I used paint.  And I painted the whole thing.
Tell me about the writing journal below.  (I took a few pictures from inside the journal.  There were MANY more entries in this journal that Phoebe wrote, drew, and colored a picture for.  I just selected a few to photograph and share.)
Phoebe:  I wrote in my journal every week.  We had to write sentences and draw a picture to go with the sentences.
Above left, the front cover of her journal.  Above right, journal entry says, "I want to travel to whe 10 dc" (I want to travel to Washington D.C.)
Above left, says, "I like my dog my dog levs in are klnni" (I like my dog.  My dog lives in our kennel.)  Above right, says, "the moon is a rock" (The moon is a rock.)
Above left, says, "a Rainbows is Kulufl. a Rainbows has red and green and yellow and orange and blue and purple." (A rainbow is colorful.  A rainbow has red and green and yellow and orange and blue and purple.)  Above right, says, "If I fownd a pot of gold I would shu it wih my fwis."  (If I found a pot of gold I would share it with my friends.)
Above left, says, "Plants gro flowers and udl stuf."  (Plants grow flowers and other stuff.)  Above left, says, "I will share because I wut to be nice."  (I will share because I want to be nice.)
Above left, says, "I see a iadbug and it eded a ant!"  (I see a ladybug and it eated a ant!)  Above right, says, " I have tee ball to dae I like tee Ball!"  (I have tee ball today.  I like tee ball!)
Above, says, "My shoe is a tenusho.  and it hah spots on it.  and it has flais.  and it is purple!"  (My shoe sis a tennis shoe.  And it has spots on it.  And it has flowers.  And it is purple.)
Tell me about going to the AR Store?  How many points did you have to spend?
Phoebe:  I got to go to the AR Store and I got a book with my points.  I got points from taking AR tests on the computer.  (Accelerated Reader tests are reading comprehension tests taken and tracked on the computer at school.)  I had 3 points.
Phoebe steadily improved her Language Arts, Writing, Mathematics, Personal/Social, Technology, Physical Education, and Music skills all year long.  For the 4th nine weeks report card period she received 58 S's!  Excellent work this year Phoebe!  (S- Satisfactory, E- Emerging, NM- No Mark, Not assessed at this time)
There was an all school assembly and talent show on the last day of school.  Each Kindergarten class performed a song with actions/skit in front of the whole school.  Phoebe's class acted out and sang the song, "My Mother Is A Baker".  Two children were assigned each role in the song.  Each role, had a action and singing part.  Phoebe and her friend, Lila, played the part of the Grandma.
To hear the song, "My Mother Is A Baker", CLICK HERE.
What was your part in the class performance for the assembly?  Did you practice a lot for the performance?  Were you nervous?
Phoebe:  I was a Grandma.  Yes we practiced a lot in my classroom.  Lila and I wore the red hats that our neighbor, Ruth, gived to me and Sarah.  Nope, I was not nervous.  I was happy.  I looked out at people and I sang and did the actions.
Below is Phoebe's May calendar that she brought home every night from school in May.  A parent must initial it each night and send it back to school in the morning.  Each school day, at the end of the day, Phoebe gets to color the square with the color that her clip/clothespin has moved to and is still on at the end of the day.  11 green days and 2 blue days in May.

1 comment:

  1. Great first year of school Phoebe!!! I'm so proud of you for the accomplishments you've had this year and the things you've learned! Can't wait to see you soooooooon!!! Love you lots- Aunt Lindsee
