Wear your favorite team shirt day... Silas, Phoebe, and I all wore our K-State hoodies to school on team spirit day.
We had a friendly Opossum visit our front porch and cat kennel a few nights in a row. It came up to eat the cat's food and just made itself at home. Eric was a brave Opossum fighter and removed it from our porch the first night onto the forresty part of our land. The next night though it was time to enact PLAN RELOCATE. So, Eric got the Opossum into a trashcan and we drove about 5 miles away and let it go.... hopefully never to be seen on our porch eating cat food again.
On warmer fall days both of our cats have been hanging out on top of the garages.
Saturday, November 17th, 2018
When mom got out of the hospital in Wichita after her hip replacement surgery she was moved to a rehab center for a week in their hometown. The kids and I went to visit her that weekend and clean up the garden and rake part of their backyard.
There were a LOT of LEAVES!
We took a few breaks to pet Jerry, the cat.
We watched mom do physical therapy and visited with her a few times before heading back to Wichita.
Saturday, November 24th, 2018
Eric and I took the kids to see the new GRINCH movie in the theaters. It was very good.
Monday, November 26th, 2018
Our family got to go to the YOUTH HORIZONS Christmas concert and dinner. The food was delicious! We got to hear our friend, Earnest Alexander, and some others sing. It was a fun evening.
The kids each wrote a Christmas wish list...
Below, Phoebe's list
Below, Sarah's list
Below, Silas's list
Phoebe's friend Haylee got to come home with us after school one day. We went to eat at Chick-Fil-A and went to Walmart to get some non-perishable goods for the school food drive.
Below, Silas's list
Phoebe's friend Haylee got to come home with us after school one day. We went to eat at Chick-Fil-A and went to Walmart to get some non-perishable goods for the school food drive.
We got our cats, Charlie and Bruce new collars. We also got them new bells and tags for their collars. It seems as if they have been getting to come inside more often to enjoy some petting.
Eric and I attended the annual Hutton Christmas party. This year it was Ugly Sweater theme.
There was some very funny entertainment and prizes given away, then all of the Hutton spouses got to pick a Kendra Scott jewelry piece to take home! How exciting and nice! Thank you, Hutton!
The kids spent an hour or so painting some Christmas ornaments on the first day of their Christmas break.
Eric and I didn't help as much this year. Even, Sias attempted to spread his own icing on the cookies.
There were a lot of sprinkles used on top of the cookies and icing.
Thanks Venus! It was a fun and yummy family project again this year.
SAD NEWS: - Our cat, Bruce, went missing on the evening of December 20th. The kids were outside playing and I went out to tell them to come in about 5:30. He was there then. I pet him and talked to him, then went inside to finish cooking dinner. About 7:30 I went out to put he and Charlie in for the night and he was no where to be found. I checked our porch throughout the night for him... The next day we searched for hours for him, but could not find him or any sign of him. As I type this, it has almost been 3 weeks since the evening he went missing and we still have not found him. I have posted his picture on lost and found pet sites, and we have checked the Humane Society twice. As we drive around near our house we are still searching for him and hoping he might find his way back to us. He was/is a great cat, very friendly, with pretty black and white fur. He had the loudest purr I have ever heard. He is missed by us all.
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