The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Phoebe's Birthday and Party

For Phoebe's birthday dinner, in November, we ate at Spangle's after one of Sarah's home basketball games.  Nanee, Popee, and our friend, Shirley were in town to eat with us too.
Phoebe got an M&M mudslide for dessert.  We pretended that there were candles in it, sang to her, and had her pretend to blow the candles out.
Back at the house after eating she opened her gifts from us, Popee and Nanee, and Shirley, and a couple that she had gotten in the mail.  First up, a shirt and necklace from Grandma Sharon.
A snap bracelet from Daddy and Mommy.  Below are her snaps to switch in and out on the bracelet.
Twister from Popee and Nanee….
The Barbie chicken farmer from Sarah....
A Spirit horse and figure from Silas.....
Thanks for coming and celebrating with us Popee, Nanee, and Shirley.
Another package came in the mail from Uncle Matt...Legos and a new t-shirt.

We had her birthday party with friends the next day.  The girls enjoyed pizza, presents, dessert, and then we went to a WSU Shockers volleyball game together.
Phoebe got some nice gifts from her friends.
Eric is always our video taker at birthdays and Christmas.
Below, left to right, Phoebe, Haylee, Lydia, Alessondra, and Shawna.
Phoebe requested brownies with M&M's for her birthday dessert.  I put 10 random candles in the cake...some of them happened to be the relighting candles, which the girls found hilarious.
After dessert, we headed to Charles Koch Arena to watch the volleyball game.

The girls found one of their teachers there too and went over to talk to her and get their picture taken with her.
They managed to dance their way onto the jumbotron "Dance Cam" at least twice!
They got the mascot, Wu's attention, and got a picture taken with him.
And, they each managed to get a Shocker Game Day t-shirt by being their cheery selves.
The next day we headed to Popee and Nanee's house to attend a Quilts of Valor presentation.  We managed to squeeze in some birthday fun there too....dinner at the Olpe Chicken House, candles in a slice of pie, and a few more presents from Popee and Nanee.
Then we played a few fun games of Twister before going to bed.
Happy 10th Birthday, Phoebe.  You truly are a light to others around school, at home, on sports teams, and in life.  You are a gentle and caring girl.  You look out for your friends and show them kindness when some of them need it most.  You are a good student.  You try hard in school and in sports.  If you don't understand something or if it is not easy to you, you work at it until it is.  You give 100% effort.  You are an amazing helper to me in and around our home.  And, I love that you have a funny sneaky side to you.  You are an amazing girl, one of a kind!  You were fearfully and wonderfully made by God and given as a gift to us and those around you.  I love you, Phoebe Ann.  Keep being you!
Love, Mommy

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