The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Thursday, May 8, 2014

April Schoolwork

On April Fool's Day Sarah came home with this story and picture of a monster that she had created at school that day.  She wanted to keep it a secret, but told me she was hiding it under my bed for Daddy to find later that evening.  When it was bedtime that night, I had forgotten all about the monster hiding under my bed, but Sarah had not!  Eric and I were in telling the girls good-night when Sarah leaned over the bed railing and said something about a monster under the bed... Eric misunderstood her and thought that she was trying to scare Phoebe by telling her that there was a monster under their bed, and he promptly gave her a small scolding which lead to tears and sobbing.  When Sarah finally calmed down enough to talk to us, she explained that she had NOT said there was a monster under their bed, she had said that there is a monster under our bed.  She wanted to play a trick on Eric and it had backfired just a little bit with some miscommunication.  He apologized to her and quickly went into our bedroom to look under the bed and check for monsters.  When he returned to the girls room he had the monster and it's description in his hand.  Good try Sarah. - Best April Fool's joke attempt by a first grader in my book.
Me: Tell me about your Flat Sarah project.  Did all the first grade students make a Flat Stanley?
Sarah: "A teacher read Flat Stanley to the whole class.  Next we drew ourselves flat.  Then we brought some addresses to school of people who I could send Flat Sarah to.  Some addresses were left and we sent some Flat Stanleys to people who did not bring addresses.  Some of my friends sent their Flat Stanleys to my addresses.  Popee and Nanee got flat Sarah in the mail.  They took her around town and took pictures and went to a Hornet basketball game and dressed it in a Hornet basketball uniform.  Then they mailed her back to my teacher.  They sent Flat Sarah with some postcards, pictures, and 64 Twinkies.  When we got Flat Stanleys back kids wrote thank you notes then my teacher hung the Flat Stanleys in the hall."
Me: Do you remember any other places that Flat Stanleys came back from?
Sarah: "Dallas, Texas, Ireland, Las Vegas, Nevada, Bella Vista, Arkansas"
Me:  Your dot art was hung at the school district's art fair.  How did you make this art project?
Sarah: "We had to make a bunch of little dots with our markers.  We could make anything with the dots.  I made a rainbow, stars, sunset, and clouds."
Me: What new things did you learn about in math this month?
Sarah: "Shapes and fractions."

Me: What types of things did you read about and do activities about during reading this month?
Sarah: "Pirates, bunnies, Earth Day, and Cinderella"

Me:  Tell me about this beautiful art project that you made.
Sarah: "It is flowers growing on a tree.  We painted the branch and the blue sky. Then we have our pencil and we wrap the tissue paper on the end of it. Then we put it in glue.  Then we put it on the branch.  The teachers hung them in the hall."

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