The Hendrickson Family

The Hendrickson Family

Thursday, May 22, 2014

May Schoolwork

May seemed to fly by for Sarah.  The last month of first grade.  She has learned so much this year.  She has shown us and her teachers that she is a hard worker and cares about completing all of her schoolwork correctly.  She wants to always do her best and she cares about being a good friend to her peers.  She is very smart and has such a big heart for others.  I hope this part of her never changes.
Me: What were some of your favorite things that you got to do or learn about in first grade?
Sarah: "Recess, sharing my turtle shell, Friday Free-Time, coupons for filling up your sticker chart, when you finish up your number scroll to 1000 you get a coupon to go to a restaurant, we got to have a paper and we wrote everybody's name in the classroom, assemblies, and talent show, computer lab"
Me: What did you like the least about first grade?
Sarah: "taking tests, getting things wrong in first grade, when I was on the bars at recess and I fell down and got the air out of me"
Me: First Grade Field Day was a very hot day!  Above 100 degrees on that day.  I did not get to go watch you because I had my first surgery that morning, but Daddy, Popee, Phoebe, and Silas came to cheer for you.  What events did you participate in?  What did you like the most about Field Day?
Sarah: "Egg race, Bean bag toss, Tire race, Hula Hoop contest, Soccer kick.  I liked winning the egg race and Hula Hoop contest."
Me: Tell me about the Hula Hoop contest.
Sarah: "Me and some girls were in a Hula Hoop contest and all the girls Hula Hoops fell down except Hannah and mine.  And, me and Hannah were still in it, and then Coach Miller gave us two Hula Hoops and we Hula Hooped and we Hula Hooped then Hannah's got mixed up.  Then Hannah's fell down and I won.  All the kids cheered."
Me: Most days you packed your own lunch to take to school with you, and about once a week you picked to eat a hot school lunch.  What were your favorite things that the school cafeteria served in the hot lunches?
Sarah: "CiCi's Pizza, Fudgesicles, sorbet, milk, and chocolate chip cookies, chicken dippers, popcorn chicken, corn dog, something that tastes like an orange but doesn't look like an orange, and I like the carrots and green beans and peas."
Me: You got to go on a first grade field trip to a Wichita Wingnuts baseball game.  Was it fun?  Tell me a little about the day.
Sarah: "Yes.  It was hot.  I had to go to the bathroom and I missed some of the game when I was going to the bathroom.  My head hurted a little.  We got to eat lunch there.  Some of them striked out and some of them didn't.  They got big hits."
Me: You also got to go on a first grade field trip to Camp Hyde.  What did you get to do there?
Sarah: "Played Ga-Ga, and we got to explore nature, and a girl that was naturey showed us where deers were living.  I got to be the car and Myla was driving me and I had a blindfold on and Myla had to drive me to the balls and then I had to throw them.  We ate lunch there on a basketball court."
Sarah worked very hard for a long time at school to write her numbers from 1 to 1000 on her number scroll.
Below is her end of first grade, School Memories book.
Me: What did you like the most about your teacher?
Sarah: "She was really nice.  She helped me.  She is pretty.  She has a pretty smile.  I was glad that I had her for my teacher."

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