Silas was not very cooperative during the taking of these photos. He was on the move and did not want to sit for longer than three seconds at a time or stand in one place longer than four seconds. The girls were able to hold still, look in the right direction, and smile. The results turned out alright, but in the bigger picture what I was reminded of is how BLESSED I am. We have three happy, healthy, active children. They are easy going, have great manners, and I love being their Mom. They each find a way to make me smile everyday. My heart is warmed by a running at me 100 mph, arms wide open, hug from Silas, a little hand in mine, a little head resting on my shoulder, a blonde headed girl who just loves to be with her Mommy no matter what I am doing, a child who has just discovered that they can do something new and wants to "show" me, and at the end of the day a girl who just cannot go to bed without a hug and kiss and a blown in the air kiss from her Mommy. Thank you, God, for these precious children. They fill my life with happiness, chaos, tears, laughs, and love. My cup is overflowing.
Enjoy the little things in life for one day you will look back and realize they were the big things.
~ Sarah ~
~ Phoebe ~
~ Silas ~
When I read this blog, it made me so proud to be your Mother. You are an amazing Mom to our incredible grandchildren. We are so very proud of you and your family, and love being Nanee and Popee to your children.